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It was the middle of the night and Izzy was wide awake, still trying to get to her phone. Her legs were sore and tired and she could feel that there was at least one bone broken or something sprained in her left leg.

She let out a whimper as she used her uninjured arm to pull herself towards the phone. She was almost there, only about three feet to go until she could extend her arm out to reach her phone. She heard her phone let out the noise that indicated that it was low battery, "Dammit!" She shouted as tears began to fall down her cheeks, "Come on, you can do this, Izzy. You can do this. It's only a couple feet away. Once calling Sweet Pea, he'll come to get you and everything will be okay." She told herself quietly, trying to reassure herself that she could actually make it.

She used all of her strength to pull herself forward, groaning in pain as she did so, "Come on!" She screamed as she began to feel weak once more.

She laid her head down on the ground for a moment, trying to calm herself down. She began to cry, not being able to handle it any longer, "I'm never going to get out of here." She cried to herself.

Her phone began to ring again and Izzy's head lifted up once more. Her eyes widened when she looked up to see that there was a snake, of all things in front of her, blocking her path towards her phone, "You've got to be shitting me." She muttered quietly, let out a groan.

The snake was pretty large, twice the size of the one she had in a tank at the Whyte Wyrm. It hissed as it began to slither toward her. Izzy instantly recognized it to be a Copperhead snake. Their bite wasn't relatively fatal, but it still hurt like hell and that would only weaken her.

"Can this day get any worse?" She complained, clearly jinxing herself.

She ended up, making a wrong movement, causing the snake to pose her as a threat. It moved forward and ended up bitting Izzy on her arm, that already had a carved of tattoo and an open wound from a removed bullet in her shoulder. She yelled out in pain, feeling as if she couldn't take any more pain. She hurt. She hurt like hell. Everything hurt and she felt as if she moved anymore, she would die.

She knew deep down, she couldn't give up that easy and felt a boost of confidence, "I can do this. I can do this." She repeated to herself before she began to pull herself forward. The snake was long gone thankfully, making it easier.

She almost cheered out loudly when her hand finally reached her phone. She pulled it toward her and quickly unlocked it. Her phone was at five percent, meaning she would have just enough time to call Sweet Pea. She dialed his number and already after the first ring, Sweet Pea answered, "Izzy, thank God. Where are you? Are you okay?" He asked her concerned.

Izzy began to cry, "You don't know much I've been dying to hear your voice. Please come get me, I'm in the woods near where the Ghoulies beat up Jughead and I. My GPS thing on my phone is on. Use the app that Toni had us buy just in case we ever lost our phones when we were drunk. You have to come quick. I'm close to bleeding out." She explained to him in a pleading voice.

"I'm coming to get you right now. I promise you, I'm going to get you in time." He promised her, "I love you, Izzy."

"I love you, too," She replied, "My phone's about to die, I have to hang up." And with that, Izzy hung up her phone.

She sighed in relief, a smile forming on her lips at the thought that Sweet Pea was coming to get her.


An hour and a half had past and Sweet Pea still hadn't arrived. Izzy had her phone gripped in her left hand while her other was pressed against her open wound on her shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding.

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