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Betty and Izzy stood in front of Fangs as he tried to persuade him to talk to Chic on the webcamming website for the third time. The three teenagers sat in the Blue and Gold's office at Riverdale High.

"Izzy, I can't keep doing this anymore," Fangs complained, "He's you and Betty's brother and this is freakin' weird."

Izzy sighed, "Fangs, every time Betty and I try asking Chic questions about himself, he gets defensive or literally starts to cry as some type of diversion." Izzy explained and Fangs gave her a confused look.

"Dude, you're catfishing him?" Fangs questioned.

"It's the only way to get Chic to open up," Betty added in, "We..." Izzy lightly kicked Betty in the leg, gesturing for her to give her best puppy dogs eyes.

At the same time, both Betty and Izzy gave their best pleading eyes and Fangs groaned before he finally agreed to help them, "See, I told you he was a better person than Kevin." Izzy remarked Betty just rolled her eyes.

Betty quickly uncapped her permanent red marker and Izzy handed her a notebook as Fangs began to log into the website.

"So, do you ever P and P? You know, party and pay?" Fangs asked Chic curiously.

"You keep asking me that and I keep telling you no," Chic replied.

Fangs quickly glanced up at Izzy, who was holding up three fingers and mouthing the word three, "You know..." Fangs stammered as Izzy gestured for him to start talking before it got suspicious, "This is our third-time cam-ing. and you haven't really told me anything about yourself."

"Yeah, well, you haven't taken your shirt off yet. So we're even." Chic retorted and Izzy and Betty shared a disgusted look.

"I'm shy." Fangs admitted quietly.

Chic clicked his tongue before he began to speak, "Okay. What do you wanna know?" He asked and Fang smiled, quickly glancing up at Izzy.

After their nightly plan was done, Betty ended up leaving, causing Fangs and Izzy to be left alone.

Fangs sighed, "If you think this dude's so sketchy, why don't you just move out and move in with Sweet Pea. You and I both know he's asked you before." Fangs told her and Izzy shook her head.

"Look, I don't care that this kid is sketchy. I can handle sketchy. I'm more worried about my mother and my sister. They have to live with him while he does all this creepy shit. What if he's planning to do something to all of us? I know it sure as hell was his own plan to get rid of Hal. So who's next?" Izzy explained and Fangs smiled at her as they both exited the school together.

"Did you even just notice what you called Betty and Alice?" He asked her and Izzy frowned.

"What did I call them?" She questioned and Fangs chuckled.

"You called them your mother and sister." He informed her and Izzy slightly laughed, "I see you finally consider them a family. Don't go ditching us now." Fangs commented jokingly and Izzy playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Oh, shut up." She rolled her eyes as the duo walked over to Fangs' motorcycle, "I heard you let Toni ditch you at the Bijou."

Fangs laughed as he shook his head, "What? I was being a good friend. I know she likes that Blossom chick and we saw her at the Bijou so I told Toni to go get her. She's the one who told the girl that I blew her off, but I'm fine with it." Fangs explained and Izzy slightly, "Too bad you and Sweet Pea couldn't come."

Izzy scoffed, "Hey, I was handling Serpent business with FP, what's Sweet Pea's excuse? Oh yeah, that's right, he was too busy playing pool." The duo began to laugh at her comment as Fangs got onto his motorcycle.

"Need a ride?" He asked his friend, knowing that she had left her motorcycle at home instead of riding it to the school.

"Nah," Izzy shook her head, "I'll walk."

Fangs nodded his head in agreement before he started up his motorcycle. He waved Izzy goodbye before he left.


The next day, Izzy stood at the dinner table along with Alice and Betty as Jughead showed them all of his article about Hiram Lodge. Hiram Lodge had brought both Sunnyside Trailer park and The Riverdale Register in the span of one weekend.

"I figured out Hiram's methodology," Jughead announced, "He acquired devalued land at a deep, some might say, criminal discount. Twilight Drive-In, Sunnyside Trailer park, Southside High, and now Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe."

Izzy's eyes widened when she heard the last location, "Wait, Pop's?" She asked shocked.

"Hiram brought Pop's?" Betty asked, becoming almost as shocked as Izzy was.

"Yeah. And while most people didn't care about Hiram's other acquisitions, probably because they were on the Southside-"

"Pop's is the heart of Riverdale," Betty finished her boyfriend's sentence.

"Right. People will care about this one." Jughead added in.

"So, when are you talking to Pop?" Alice asked, crossing her arms.


Later on that day, Polly Cooper, Hal and Alice's other daughter entered and Izzy stared at her shocked, clearly remembering her from when Jason Blossom came to the Whyte Wyrm the previous summer.

"I'm sorry, what are you doing here?" Polly asked Izzy concerned as she entered the house holding her two babies.

Izzy sighed as she was about to explain to Polly, but Alice then came in alongside Chic, who looked like he was up to something suspicious, "Polly?" Alice asked shocked.

Soon after, everything had been explained and Polly seemed to be more happier meeting Izzy than she was about meeting Chic, who was a complete stranger.

Betty entered her house to see her mother and Chic holding babies while Polly and Izzy talked amongst themselves.

"Polly, what are you doing home again?" Betty asked her sister confused.

"She just walked through the door with these perfect babies," Alice explained.

Polly made her way over to Betty and pulled her in for a hug, "I thought it would be nice to surprise mom." Polly explained as Betty kept her eyes locked on Chic. Izzy did, also, getting the same feeling about her brother as Betty did.

"And I was surprised to meet both our brother and sister." Polly whispered quietly, "We're related to a Serpent."

"Not just any Serpent, Polly. We're related to the Queen of the Serpents." Betty corrected her in more of a joking way rather than a serious way.

"You have to hold one." Alice smiled brightly as she held Juniper in her arms.

"I'd love to," Betty smiled, taking off her jacket.

Betty was about the pickup Juniper when she looked over at Chic, who was holding Dagwood in his arms, "Here." Alice stated, but Betty instead walked over to the other baby.

Betty picked up Dagwood and smiled, "Oh, Hello." she said quietly.

Polly and Betty shared a smile before Polly spoke up, "Hey, where'd Dad, by the way?" She questioned, "Are we all going to the will-reading together?"

Alice looked up and gave her daughter a confused look, "What will-reading?" Alice asked confused.

"What? You-you mean Dad hasn't told you?"

"Uh-oh," Izzy mumbled quietly, knowing things were definitely going to become eventful.

AN: Finally, a chapter! I decided to change it to Fangs doing the webcamming thing instead of Kevin for some unknown reason.

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