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Izzy was at Sweet Pea's trailer, getting a beer for herself in the kitchen and Sweet Pea in the fridge while was sitting on the couch in the living room with the controller in his hand

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Izzy was at Sweet Pea's trailer, getting a beer for herself in the kitchen and Sweet Pea in the fridge while was sitting on the couch in the living room with the controller in his hand.

He was searching for the best show for them to start binge watching together for the limited amount of time they had at his trailer. Sweet Pea still wasn't allowed to be at the Cooper house and anytime anything started to get in anyway sexual between them, Alice suddenly popped up and became a cock block.

   Izzy sighed, walking over to the couch Sweet Pea was sitting on and took a seat next to him. She took a few sips of her beer before placing it down on the coffee table in front of them. She went to go hand Sweet Pea his beer, but he shook his head. She nodded, placing the beer next to her.

  Sweet Pea wrapped his arms around Izzy as they both searched for a show, "What about Shameless?" She asked him curiously and Sweet Pea groaned.

"Again? Didn't we literally just finish season eight, Izzy?" He asked her and Izzy sighed.

"Fine, what about Breaking Bad?" She asked him, "I know you love that show."

   Sweet Pea nodded before pressing the play button. The shows began and Izzy's was on the TV while Sweet Pea's attention was on Izzy. Izzy noticed this, but still didn't say anything to her boyfriend.

  Sweet Pea removed his arm from being wrapped around Izzy and dropped it to the side. It was clear he didn't want to be watching this TV show, he wanted to be doing something else. Sweet Pea placed his left hand on Izzy's thigh, causing Izzy to look over at Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea was trying his best not to smirk at her and Izzy noticed this, "What?" He asked her, trying to play that he was innocent, which clearly wasn't this case. Izzy knew that.

"You know what," She replied, lifting up Sweet Pea's arm and placing it in his own lap, "Nope."

Sweet Pea groaned, "Come on, Izzy," He complained, "Alice is nowhere in sight. She's all the way on the Northside of town. It's been so long."

  Izzy scoffed as she looked at him amused, "It's been a week, Sweet Pea." She crosses her arms over her chest as she stared at him.

  "Yeah, that's a long time." He argued in a joking way before Izzy started to laugh, "Come on...I'm telling you, Alice is nowhere in sight."

  Izzy sighed, "Fine." She agreed and Sweet Pea didn't waste anytime crashing him lips onto hers.

It was going by quicker than usual, Sweet Pea already had his shirt off and Izzy had hers off also. Izzy was laying on the Sweet Pea's beat up couch while Sweet Pea hovered over her, trailing kisses down her jaw, neck, and chest.

  Just as Izzy was going to unbutton her jeans and take them off, there was a sudden knock on the door, causing them both to surprisingly jump.

  Sweet Pea scoffed as he looked down at Izzy, who seemed nervous, "Oh, please, Izzy. No way did we jinx it. It's probably just Fangs coming to annoy us like always." Sweet Pea reassured her and Izzy nodded her head in agreement.

   Izzy sat up from laying on the couch and Sweet Pea stood up, making his way over to the door. He didn't even bother to put on a shirt, figuring it was just Fangs. 

Izzy sighed, picking up her glass bottle of beer and taking a large sip. She was on the middle of drinking from it when Sweet Pea opened the door.

"Shit." Sweet Pea muttered under his breath when he opened the door to see Alice Cooper.

  "What is it?" Izzy asked, not getting a clear view of who was at the door.

    "I was going to ask if my daughter was here, but she clearly is." Alice said with an amused smile. She pushed past Sweet Pea and entered the trailer, "FP told me which trailer you lived in. What a big help he is, seeing as the two of you wouldn't tell me."

Alice looked down at the couch to see Izzy quickly putting on a shirt and also noticed the two bottle of beer in front of her. The one closest to Izzy was completely empty, only about a sip left.

  "Oh, am I interrupting something?" Alice asked sarcastically and both teenagers sighed.

    "We were just—" Sweet Pea started, but Alice cut him off.

     "Oh, I know exactly what you two doing. No need to make excuse,"
Alice stated.

  Izzy was already prepping herself for a large lecture and maybe even another ban from Sweet Pea, but she got the complete opposite, "I thought about it and I've come to realize there isn't anything that's going to stop the two of you from having sex each other," Alice explained before lifting up a pharmacy bag and placing it down on the coffee table, "I bought some stuff for you guys."

  Sweet Pea wanted to start laughing and Izzy's eyes widened when they saw Alice empty the while bag onto the table, only to see numerous types of contraceptive items someone could use while having sex.

   "After Chic found your condoms and birth control, I ended up throwing them out, thinking it would make you guys stop having sex. That was very dumb of me, so I went shopping for you guys and got you guys some more. I do not want the same thing happen to you, happen you me. Especially when it's almost under the same circumstances: A beautiful teenage Serpent girl falling for a handsome bad boy Serpent. And in my case, it only to ended up with the girl getting pregnant after not using protection with the boy." Alice explained and Izzy was beyond shook while Sweet Pea was amused by this.

"Does this mean I'm allowed back at your house?" Sweet Pea spoke up and Alice turned to look at him.

  "Yes, it does. But if you even think about defiling my daughter without using protection, I won't hesitate to cut off parts of you I'm sure you'd like to keep." Alice said in a threatening tone.

   "Hey, Alice, can I ask to what you're doing on the Southside in the first place? I get the feeling coming to cockblock and give us condoms isn't the only reason you're here." Izzy asked and Alice scoffed, knowing that she couldn't get anything past her eldest daughter.

"I went to see FP," She told Izzy, who shared a look with Sweet Pea.

  "And why did you go see him in the first place?" Sweet Pea asked curiously and Alice gave him a glare.

  "I don't think that's any of your business, either of you." Alice argued before heading for the door, "I'm going home. See you at dinner, Izzy."

     And with that, Alice left. Sweet Pea took a seat next to Izzy and the two teenager looks down at all of the items, "What are half of these things?" Izzy asked confused, picking up one of them to take a better look at it.

"I don't know, but I'll gladly try them all out with you." Sweet Pea said as a way of flirting with her.

  Izzy groaned at him when she saw the smirk on his face. She playfully hit him with a nearby pillow. It didn't phase Sweet Pea. He ended up picking up the pillow and tossing the pillow to the side before attacking Izzy with kisses in every place possible.




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