Chapter53: The end of the resistance

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The resistance was on the deck of the bounty talking about how, and were talking who could of taken harumi."I don't understand, why did they take harumi? It makes so sense" Jay said to everyone. Uv nodded. "I agree there had to be a reason to who ever did that". Kai shrugged. "How is lloyd, is he still in his room?" The brunette asked the group. The big man nodded. "He's still upset Hatumi. Who can blame him. What they have is special" Nya nodded. "Honestly when he's with harumi I've never seen him so happy. His face lights up, and he has the biggest smile on his face. It's so adorable" the raven haired girl said with a smiled. Kai smiled. "You know it's nice to see him have a girl, all we need now is one for cole" he told the group.  Cole raised a eyebrow."we have been over this, my lover is cake". Uv rolled her eyes. "Cole that's a Inanimate object. You can't marry it". The brown ninja shook his head. "Even if I can't I can still love it". "We are getting off topic!" Nya yelled in the conversation. " we have to figure out who took harumi, and what do they want with her" Nya urged the pressing matter. Jay nodded. "I agree, we do get off topic at times. But really who would capture harumi?" He asked. Dareth shrugs. "Who knows, I doubt it would be garmadon. What use would he have for harumi?" He brown wanna be ninja asked.

Kai nodded at his point."I agree. I mean didn't garmadon nearly kill harumi? Why would he need her? I mean what would he have her do? Clean borg tower? In a maids outfit?" He joked. The whole room bursted with laughter. "I agree. I mean who knows garmadon is probably feeding her right now, and manipulating her into becoming his daughter" Jay chimed. Antonia wiped a tear from her cheek. "But she would never fall for that right?" She asked serious. Killow nodded. "Of course not. We've known her as long as we can remember, and she would never. She wouldn't want to break Lloyd's heart again she cares for him too much" Nelson nodded. "I've seen they have gotten pretty close don't you all think?" He Asked. The rest of the resistance nodded. The blue ninja leaned in his chair. "If garmadon doesn't have her. Then I wonder who does?" There has to be something we are missing, we have to find the big picture" he urged. Uv nodded as she leaned against the wall. She really wanted to find her friend, and beat up who ever took her away from them.

"If we are eliminating garmadon. What other villains could of done this?" The General asked. Skylor shrugged."that's not important what's important is we get harumi home safe" the red head told the most important thing to the group. They all nodded, agreeing to the red head statement.

As for the blonde boy he was curled into a ball on his bed looking at a picture of him and harumi. "I don't understand why, someone took you. Rumi, you don't deserve this. I should be the one who got captured not you". He looked at the picture it was taken a few weeks ago before he found out her true intentions, when she still had her princess make up on. He smiled as he looked at the picture, "even as a princess you were beautiful, even as the quiet one you were beautiful, nothing could ever compete with your beauty in my opinion".  He looked out the window and saw the rubble from the colossi was on the ground. He smiled as he looked at the rubble. There wa son way that giant could terrorize the city no more. But then he thought back to garmadon. Who possibly the next time he sees him Will scold him, because of the major risk he took with the giant. He sighed, or maybe garmadon wouldn't be angery he's been weird lately. He wondered what he was going right now, he wondered if garmadon had harumi or any of his friends, or family would he show them mercy? He doubted it remembering when his father made him bleed and said to his face he wasn't his father, back at borg tower. He shivered thinking about how garmadon treated him.

Where ever the blonde girl was he hoped she was okay. He missed her so much. She made life easier when all this sog stuff took over these last few weeks. He sighed. He wondered what she was even up to now. What ever it was, she hoped she was okay. He knew she could handle herself, she's proven it only what multiple times. That what he loved her about her. Her ambition, her leadership, he loved everything about her. He smiled thinking About her.  All the resistance really knew was there were foot prints on the Deck leading to the edge of the bounty. They went to the security cameras too try and look there but to no luck. It was only darkness, who ever they were missing with really knew about mechanical things like Nya and him. The blonde went back towards his bed sitting down. He looked at the celling, "who was smart enough to take out the cameras but leave footprints at the scene of the crime" he asked himself. It boggled his mind and it made no sense whatsoever.

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