please dont sleep on me

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inspired by - Stay Awake Agatha -

" i dont know if i will last gguk." taehyung said as he smiled at the crying jungkook "You will last, we will have a great family okay? you will last tae, trust in me." jungkook said through his tears as taehyung just nods, finding it impossible.

" just please, dont sleep on me?" jungkook asked as taehyung nodded again "i wont. i will stay awake for you." taehyung said as he caressed jungkooks scar.

Taehyung suffers from a rare desease were theres no percent of chance to live, jf you once sleep the disease is called FFI, an extremely rare genetic disease called fatal familial insomnia. Those affected by FFI are forever trying and failing to fall asleep. The disease steals one's sleep, mind and ultimately one's life, and, before dying, one hovers for months in a twilight world.

So taehyung had no hope or chances, if he once slept, he will die.

In todays generation, each person will be given a rare or no rare sickness. Jungkook is in clutches. His are Polios. But still, he managed to take care of taehyung, to always stay beside him and tellin him not to sleep. He still wants to have a family with him, he know taehyung can do everything.

but since he has been taking care of taehyung, he forgot about himself. Causing his polio to cause more damage but he didnt care. All he cares was taehyung and taehyung.

" i love you so much."
" you are the best thing that happened in my life."
" i will stay with you taehyung."
" we can get through this together."
" we will be healed tae, i promise that."
" we will have a little version of us running around our own house taehyung. "
" please dont sleep, i need you. "

sentences slip in jungkooks lips as he rubbed taehyungs eyes who was now tearing up.

" ggukie please dont cry. "

" im sorry, i shouldve taken care of you more. "

" you have forgotten about yourself, take care of yourself for me gguk." taehyung said as he smiled, jungkook nodded as they kissed each others lips.

" my love for you will never vanish. "
" and so do i."

the doctor stared at them in the frame door, feeling sad seeing the couple suffering like this.
the doctor wanted to say it but it'll only make them worry more causing both of them to have more damages and damages.

jungkook kissed him one last time as jungkook felt limp in taehyungs hold. Taehyung opened his eyes widely, pushing the red button on his side to alarm the nurses and doctors. he cant lost jungkook now, he promised to stay with him.

the nurses took jungkook away from him as taehyung sobbed, what would life be without jungkook? a plain life? being with jungkook feels like its rainbow.

" ggukie please be okay."

" i-i will t-tae, i still need to f-fulfill my p-promise right? i love you."

3 hours had passed and taehyung feels uneasy, not noticing that he was slightly feeling tired and sleepy, but still. Not going to sleep.

His breathing started to get hard and shaky. He felt like he will sleep in no time soon. But before he closed his eyes. He smiled and said his last words. " im sorry kookie, i love you so much, my love will never vanish. please forgive me for not staying with you."

not noticing that jungkook was also doing the same, saying his last words on his death bed, far away from taehyungs room.

" i love you taehyung, please dont sleep. I hope i can meet you still in the afterlife. " jungkook said as he closed his eyes.

— Kim Taehyung time of Death 10:03 AM
— Jeon Jungkook time of Death 10:05 AM

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