Heaven Knows

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" Where are you going again?" taehyung asked as jungkook fixed his clothes, " im going to my old house to get my camera, ill ba back babe. love you." jungkook kissed taehyung and head out of the house, smiling to himself.

He will propose today, to promise taehyung that he will love him till the end, they will make a great family with their own baby. Oh how that spins in jungkooks mind.

Taehyung bit his nails, texting one boy who he was cheating on with

' he's not here, you can come. '

' sure baby, coming. '

as jungkook walked through the streets, he felt an unusual feeling of something.... bad? maybe bad but he brushed it off and continued thinking positively, he really love taehyung. Love... like Love.

He sighed deeply as he picked the ring and the flowers, fixed his clothes again and also brought their memory book. He kissed the ring and chuckled  " We have grew so much tae, i promise to spend the rest of my life with you." with that, he went out of the house calmly and with a positive thinking.

He took a step on taehyungs porch, his heart heavy. Beads of sweats coming out of his forehead, he was dreading it.

He then heard moans, and skin slapping sounds." I will punish him later." jungkook smirked but then opened the door to the room... his heart drop. The ring, the flower bouquet, the memory book. Dropped.

He stand there in shock, wave of sadness through his body, and connected to his heart.

Taehyung and the guy covered himself, trying to speak up a sentence, even a word.

Jungkook felt like his heart tore apart, the promise they made, the words they exchaged. The I Love You's.

" J-jungkook let me e-explain." but no, jungkook ran off, leaving both of them alone, taehyung tried to quicken to put on his clothes, kicking out the guy who he was with. He ran and ran till his breath hitched, he needed to explain although what he did was very unforgiven.

and thats it... he saw jungkooks tired body laying onto the street ground, blood sorrounding him, his old self that was trying to fight for anything, despite of the pain, was now laying there. his breathing was not right, he was barely even breathing.

Taehyung cried out for help, he was feeling drained, how can he be so cruel, how can he do this to the man he promised to love till death do them apart?

He hugged Jungkook, he hugged his cold body. Kissing his forehead, lips, cheeks and nose.

" im sorry, i love you."

" im sorry Mr.Kim, the nurses found a rare infection in Mr.Jeons heart, if ever the heart was not replaced with a new one, he kight die. We have no schedules for donors today. So what will be your choice sir?"

" i can donor my heart for him. "

" please sign this form up. "

he took the form in his hands, his hands chilling, he was sobbing.

Before he even donor his heart, he took a random letter, giving it to the doctor and crying in his hands, his body shaking.

" where am i? " was the first thing that jungkook said when he woke up from a long sleep.

" you're in our hospital Mr.Jeon, you can actually go now since your muscles are better and you've got a good rest, here. Some one gave it to me and told me to give it to you. "

" and vitamins for your healthy body, make sure to eat everyday and take care of yourself. "

he nodded and packed his things, and went outside, putting the letter in his pocket, not really having the time to open it.

It was then, his heart started to ache, he didnt know why, it just started hurting. He looked up, and smiled sadly. He was infront of taehyungs house, the guy that he loved the most, the guy that he promised to be married with, they giy that left him for another.

He sniffled at the bitter thought, just then he felt the letter in his pocket slipped out, he reached for it. Sitting in his former lovers stairs outside his door, opening the letter.

His breath hitched as he saw who made it.
it was taehyung.

' HELLOOOJ JUNGKOOKIEE!! i know that i shouldnt be this energized but i want you to be happy, although im not here any more. Jungkookie, im sorry. im sorry for everything, for risking your life, for lying, for cheating and for not loving you the way you love me, jungkookie i know you wont forgive me. You wont see me anymore kookie, but do take care of that heart. Its mine, they found a rare infection in your heart. so i replaced mine instead, i wont be seeing you forever, but please do know that you're still in my heart. Do take care of it and take care of yourself. Do not cry please, ill be watching you always.

Love, Taetae. '

he let out the deepest breath he didnt know he held, he teared up, why was life always like this? he can forgive and forget, they can start a new life wothout anyone bothering them? why didnt he let taehyung explain?

he looked at the back of the letter and surprised that there was another note.

' meet my grave at the place your mom was in, sorry for leaving you. Lets marry eachother on heaven again when its your time.'

he ran, he ran his life away. he ran to see the grave of the owner of this heart inside his body, his love, his everything.

he stopped and looked at one gray colored grave, the design, everything.

There was a writing on it,

' Kim Taehyung. 1995-2020 '

' We will miss you.'

his knees weak as he sobbed, he wailed and kept muttering sorry's to the grave of taehyung. His heart aching, but his kind said to stop crying, or else taehyung will get mad.

He saw the bouqet he bought beside taehyungs grave, the ring is beside it also.

' i love you kookie.' was written in one ring, just then he smiled bitterly and left. mumbling curses and profanities to himself.

" I love you too tae." and he looked up through the sky, to smile.

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