Renew The Book Of Us

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s u m m a r y  : ; taehyung still loves jungkook, even how many times he'd get beaten, get starved and get hurt.

W A R N I N G S  :
- abusive jungkook
- physical and mental abuse
- angst
- happy ending
- anger issue gguk


day 1

" why are you home late? " jungkook said darkly in the dark living room, seeing taehyung's tired face and his hair upwards.  " i-i went to-"  " did you fuck another man?" jungkook asked, going to him as taehyung backed away, frightened.

" answer my question, Jeon Taehyung. " he said, trapping taehyung in his arms and bringing his face up roughly  " I SAID FUCKING ANWER MY QUESTION!  " he yelled and slapped taehyungs face hardly, seeing the red mark on the older's cheeks who cried hardly.  " b-baby im sorry. " his attitude and act changed, even how many times he said sorry, taehyung knew the younger wont and will not change.
" i-its okay." taehyung smiled, hiding all the pain that was in his cheeks but most of all, his heart.

jungkook took taehyung in his arms, bringing him upstairs to sleep.

day 2

" i said a hot water Jeon Taehyung, cant you fucking get it through your thick skull?!" jungkook yelled, again as taehyung flinched
" i-im sorry ill get you a hot water." jungkook bumped shoulders with him, being fast to get the hot water and throwing it on taehyungs body, taehyung teared up. he never deserve this, jungkook doesnt deserve him.

a red mark again, imprinted on his legs, his arms and his body. the heat of the water coming in his sensitive skin.  " cant even follow a simple task, what a bitch."

day 3

" baby, im sorry for what i did yesterday." taehyung woke up by jungkooks voice, and like everytime, he always say its okay, even though its not and even though he's not.  " i-its okay jungkook. "

jungkook smiled, kissing taehyung.

taehyung felt nothing, no love, no trust. he is not like the jungkook he met a few years back, the gentle, sweet and loving jungkook. the jungkook who always teach him if he does something wrong, the jungkook that will ask for taehyungs permission first before doing something, and the jungkook who have time for him, the jungkook who understands him.

day 4

" what the fuck is this? " jungkook asked, spitting the food that taehyung made  " i-its b-bulgogi that i made, your favorite." taehyung tried to smile
" i dont want your foods, im going to buy something more better, and you will not eat for tonight." taehyungs eyes widened, looking at jungkook.

jungkook never starved him, if he doesnt like the food,, jungkook will teach him how to make one, jungkook will be patient and will always back hug him every time he cooks, jungkook isnt like this. he is not the jungkook that taehyung knew.

day 5

his eyes started to get blurry, he didnt eat since last night and he didnt even drink any water, jungkook was not by his side again. He teared up, was his life going to be like this? getting beaten up? getting starved and getting unloved by the man he shared vow's with? the husband who doesnt even care for him.

he look at the calendar, its their anniversary. he just smiled and spended the day with his own, still not eating. he stumbled when he got to the bathroom and the last thing he heard was jungkook yelling his name.

" Jeon Jungkook, what have you done?" seokjin, their friend asked as jungkook kept crying " i-i dont know hyung. i-" he didnt continue as he broke in sobs, feeling stupid. he failed taehyung, he failed being the best husband he had promised, he didnt took care of him, and didnt love him and gave his attention to his husband.

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