Im Sorry

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* knock knock *

Taehyung heard a faint knock on his door. Luckily, he was about to sleep after all those fight he had with Jungkook, his boyfriend.

Basically they were only fighting about where to go on their date. They were fighting for so long that Jungkook left taehyung on the streets, both of them were pissed off by some stupid reason.

He opened it up and see jungkook hoding a white cardboard in his hands. He smiled at taehyung making him blush. He remembered that smile, the smile he used to always blush since they were in highschool, he fell for the bunny toothed man but never expected him to be his boyfriend, cliche right?

" taebear please listen to ggukiee. " the younger said while pouting as he only smile then nods.
Jungkook flipped the card bord page and it wrote " i love you. " taehyung blushes internally as Jungkook flipped the cardboar again.
" please dont hate me. " the cardboard said as he looked up at jungkook. It went to another page again and it worte, " im sorry ".

Taehyung spoke " you can pretend you dont miss me... But all you wanna do is kiss me." he siad as jungkook blushed and nodded.
" i forgive you. I hate that stupid fight." taehyung said as jungkook threw the cardboard and wentinside taehyungs house, pinning him in his both hands as he kissed him.

The kiss lasted for about 2 minutes as only their heavy breathings was heard into the wide and big house." i love you baby.  " jungkook said and kisses taehyungs cheek. "i love you too." taehyung also said while they fell asleep with jungkook spooning him.


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