Pastel BabyBoy

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s u m m a r y  :  ;
where jungkook fell inlvoe with the chairman's son : Kim Taehyung. A kindhearted cutie who always plays with his golden retriever.

" catch!" taehyung yelled cutely, not noticing jungkook smiling face throught the small window, jungkook likes it when taehyung play with his dog, thats why he always let the dog outside, so he could watch the cute little boy playing cutely.

" hi jungkook!  " taehyung said and waved, which cut him off in a day dream  " o-oh. hi tae." he swore he will burst, taehyung wearing a pink pastel, sweaterpaws on the show and a hint of blush on his cheeks, the younger boy was surely the cutest.

" you look really pretty today."  jungkook smiled at him as he just nodded and looked away, afraid of jungkook seeing him blushing  " i-i feel pretty in sweaters!" taehyung giggled excitedly.  " even if you dont wear sweaters, you still are the cutest and the prettiest.  " jungkook pinched his cheeks as they boy broke out a loud laugh , both of them in euphoria, the feeling and the moment they never want to let go off, or they never wanted to end.

" father says that we will have a dinner later.. wanna come with koo?  " aight well, koo is the name of jungkooks dog. jungkook shooked his head,, " itll be a burden tae, thankyou but im not sure."  taehyung pouted, and shit he did regret passing.

" b-but, i want you to come. " taehyung looked at him with puppy eyes, trying his hardest to his his paws inside the sweater, making jungkook weak.
" fine,, " jungkook rolled his eyes.

it was soon that they both laughed again, tgey didnt even know whats funny or they didnt have any clue why they laughed so loudly that their annoying neighbort, karen,, started scolding them.

both of their laughs dies off, only staring at each other for a long time, closing the gap in their faces, and kissing eachother like it wasnt the first time they did.

they pulled out for a few minutes,, having a  lack of air. koo ran into them both, snuggling into jungkooks body as jungkook layed his head on taehyungs lap, letting taehyung brush his vanilla scented hair.

" koo, jungkook has a crush on me." taehyung giggled, talking to the dog  " and i do, dont i? " taehyung blushed at jungkiok statement, pecking his lips once again and just laying down in the grass, picking flowers up.

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