My Van Gogh

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" Baby! Daddy is here." Jungkook yelled as taehyung went out of their shared room, with paint brush in his hands.  " Daddy, i can draw you!" taehyung said while squeeling making jungkook smile. No matter how cold he is, taehyung always have a special place in his heart.

" but daddy..." taehyung said while pouting and in verge of tears.  " daddy im sowwy, t-the camera you bought me. B-bogum, my classmate broke it." taehyung said while sobbing making jungkook coo, whoever this bogum guy is, hes sure he'll pay for twhat he did.

" its okay baby boy, daddy can buy you a new one, now can you show me your art work? " jungkook asked as taehyung nodded and kissed his lips, running away from his daddy to show his art work in his art room.

" here daddy! Its not much but i hope you like it! " taehyung said while blinking cutely, the artwork looks exactly like him.. He was speechless as he looked at it, cauisng taehyung to frown and hide the art work. " you dont like it daddy? Taetae can always practice to draw you. " taehyung said sadly as he took his canvas and painting out to draw a new artwork of him. " no baby, daddy is speechless because its so good and looks so much like daddy." jungkook said while bringing taehyung in his lap.

" you think so daddy? " " i know so baby , im gonna start calling you my Van Gogh now." jungkook said as taehyung blushed and hid himself in his chest.

—" im sorry please dont kill me, i will pay for the camera!" bogum said in mercy as jungkook aligned the postol on his forehead. " you sure you can pay for the gummy? It costs 2.7 million and you just break it like its yours? What are you? A spoiled brat?" he said darkly as bogum looked at him in shocked. " im sure i can pay for it, please let me g-" he didnt finished his sentence as jungkook flicked the trigger of the pistol, leaving bogum eith his head shotted face.

He wore his jacket and went home only to see his baby boy drawing him again, he kissed his neck as the boy surprissingly got up. " OMG DADDY I THOUGH IT WAS SOMEONE ELSE." taehyung said while laughing. Taehyung kissed his lips and sat on Jungkooks lap showing him his drawing..
" do you ever get tired of drawing me baby?" he asked while rubbing the back of his neck.
"No daddy is so handsome taetae cant stop drawing you!" he said while peppering his daddys face with kisses as jungkook smiled.

" I love you daddy! Wots and wots."

" i love you too baby, 𝐌𝐲 𝐕𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐨𝐠𝐡 "

— end

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