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Part 2

Arthit's POV

Then, I heard footsteps approach me from behind.

"Where do you think you're going?" 

That sweet husky voice of Kongpob was behind me. Yet, he sounded cold and arrogant when talking to me. As always.

I sighed, spun around and stared at him angrily. He was standing on the doorstep, his face expressionless as usual.

"We shouldn't impose on your family. I—...I'm thinking of moving somewhere else." I stuttered wildly, trying not to look at him.

"Your house collapsed, didn't it? Where would you go?" His tone was flat, but I swore he sounded concerned and I looked up at him, my mouth fell open in surprise.

As if reading my mind, he crushed my dream immediately.

"My parents want you back inside," His cool eyes withdrew from my face as he turned and sauntered back into the house. 

So, his parents ordered him to come after me... 

I should have known that he didn't come out to stop me on his own free will. Yet, I couldn't help but feel a sudden sharp pang of disappointment.

"Kongpob, please carry Arthit's luggage upstairs for him." His mom said to Kongpob and I could feel him stiffen immediately, before walking towards my luggage with great reluctance.

"No Auntie, it's fine I'd do it myself." I said hastily, going towards my stuff.

"No, Arthit," She spoke sternly and something in her voice stopped me from reaching for my luggage. Kongpob looked at his mother before bending down slowly and picking up my luggage, walking upstairs with it and looking every bit of annoyed as he always did around me.

Gosh, he really must hate me...? :(

I followed him from behind, still in disbelief that this was really happening. Even if Kongpob hated me, we were going to live together!!! In the same house! Together



Oh god, please help me get through this...

Kongpob opened the second door on the right when we reached the landing and I followed him into the room. My eyes were almost dazzled by the size and beauty of the bedroom. There was a lovely white bed, a studying desk and chair, a reading lamp, two huge closets. Blue lacy curtains were tied back with blue ribbons and there walls were papered with a delicate blue floral design. I clasped my hands together in delight.

"This was Daniel's room." Kongpob spoke firmly, leaning against the doorway and staring at me.

I felt my bubble of happiness burst when I heard his voice. Oh dear, no wonder Daniel was so angry with me when he first saw me. I had chased him out of his room.

"Just remember that I don't care if you're staying with me or not, you are not to disturb me at any point in time." Kongpob's words were like a bucket of cold water splashed over me. "And never enter my room," he added sternly, glaring at me with that dark gaze of his.

"S-sorry," I apologized, bowing to Daniel who was standing at the door behind his older brother. There was a shocked expression on his face as he looked at his room, almost as if he couldn't recognize it. I guess his mother had re-decorated for me. As I bowed to him, he snorted, stuck out his tongue at me and followed Kongpob into another room. 

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