Sports Day

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Sports Day

Part 5

Arthit's POV

"The annual sport day is coming up in 2 weeks," Mrs Suthiluck was chattering as she served dinner. "I hope to see both of you in the same relay together!" She sighed blissfully.

"Mama, they're not even in the same class. How can they be running together?" Daniel broke in impatiently, annoyed with his mother. Then he glared at me as if it was my fault. I glanced quickly at Kongpob Suthiluck hoping to see some kind of reaction from him. However, he was just eating away silently as normal, ignoring the rest of us at the table. I heaved a silent sigh.

"Arthit can't run anyway," Dad contributed helpfully, "they'll definitely come in last!" I scowled at him angrily – how's that for loyalty? Thanks a lot, Dad! 

Daniel started laughing, "My brother always gets first place." He threw me a scornful look as I pretended not to be affected, scooping more vegetables into my mouth. Daniel can be such a brat. 

However, there is no denying that Kongpob Suthiluck shines at all types of sports, especially tennis. He's the school's star tennis player and the only one with the privilege of turning up for practice whenever he feels like it. I have been, okay I still am, one of the people who swoon over him each time he plays at any competition intra or inter school. I remember several times when he beat the tennis coach effortlessly — that's the only reason why he can escape practice. Just as he hardly ever studies, Kongpob Suthiluck also doesn't have to practice to excel in sports. That's what I call being "extremely gifted". 

During all the sport events, there has always been fierce competition between my F class and his A class. Although it seems stereotyping, my classmates are very interested in sports and spend most of their time playing sports. The people in A class are typically nerds except for a few popular ones like Kongpob Suthiluck. Thanks to this handful of them, they've actually managed at times to steal several trophies from us. 

Suddenly, I thought of a plan to make Kongpob Suthiluck notice me – I'll take part in my class relays and beat their class!

I put my plan in action the very next day. I started training very hard every morning and evening, getting all kinds of useful tips and advice from everyone and anyone. Whenever I bumped into Kongpob Suthiluck, I was always in my tracksuit and pants. However, the most extreme reaction I got out of him was a lifting of his eyebrows when he saw me get up really early Sunday morning. I was never the type to wake up early, especially on a weekend. To my own surprise, my stamina started improving, as did my speed. 

Then I put the next part of my plan in action. I started getting my classmates to train just as hard as I did.

"Arthit, please can I have a break?" May was panting as I jogged merrily in front of her, Max and another guy.

"Nope, come on you can do it!" I cheered her on. "I want to beat A class this year!" 

Max was all for it as well. "Come on, we will beat A class and show those arrogant bastards who are the best," he added. There was an unholy gleam in his eyes. I knew he had something against A class and one especially Kongpob Suthiluck, probably because of my liking for the latter.

I was jogging back towards the house one day when a basketball bounced onto the road and a little kid ran out to after his ball. Unfortunately, there was a cyclist riding up and he couldn't see the kid from where he was. Almost as a reflex action, I ran and pulled the child out of harm's way as we both toppled to the ground. 

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