The Festival (Part 2)

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Festival (Part 2)

Part 25

Kongpob's POV

So there I was sitting on the hard wooden bench next to Arthit, feeling very bored. I glanced at him, he was listening with full attention to the organizer who was explaining to all contestants about the rules. What a bore! Isn't it obvious what it would be? Simply that everyone would have a chance to answer the questions and that the first person who presses the buzzer would get to answer. 1 mark taken away for wrong answers and then the next contestant who answers correctly would get 1⁄2 a mark...blablabla... I didn't bother listening to him but I assumed that he would be saying something along these lines...

" ... ... Okay, now let's start. Question 1 is..." 

I simply stifled a yawn and leaned back against the wall. Arthit was looking at me with big anxious eyes.

"Don't you know the answer Kongpob?"

"I do."

"Then press the buzzer!" I could see him almost jumping up in excitement.


"No?" He looked at me, disbelief evident on his innocent face. Finally, he got the picture. Arthit realized that I was refusing to take part in such a juvenile competition.

"... ... Question 2 ... ..." 

The moment the announcer finished his question, Arthit's finger shot out as he pressed the buzzer. I looked at him in astonishment – he actually knew the answer? 

Then he looked at me patiently and smiled, and I didn't miss that naughty glint in his eyes. I knew exactly what he was doing, I am not known to be a genius for nothing...I should have just left him to struggle on his own, but something...prompted me to help him out...


I sat up and answered the question for him. And again, and again, and again... 

So that was how we won the contest – Arthit kept pressing the buzzer and I answered every question that was asked. Strangely enough, a competitor managed to get the final question before Arthit. However, he answered it wrongly. 

To my surprise, Arthit actually ventured to answer this question herself and he got it correct! Gosh, I was so surprised, I almost felt immense pride for him. Almost...

In the end, we walked off with the prize – a trip for two to some mountain springs...


Arthit's POV

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE BOTH OF YOU BEEN?" Mike's angry voice and even angrier face greeted us when we "appeared" at the stall again. Instinctively, I moved closer to Kongpob Suthiluck, hiding behind him.

"CAN'T YOU BOTH READ THE TIME? YOU HAVE BEEN GONE FOR 3 HOURS, 3!!!!" He waved his fingers in front of us. "AND YOU WERE ALLOWED ONLY 1 – 1 HOUR BREAK!" 

If he continued in this strain, I would bet anything that he would have a sore throat tomorrow or pass out in a heart attack. I marveled at the bored expression on Kongpob Suthiluck's face as he simply strolled back to the counter. It definitely takes courage to stand up to Mike in his present mood.

I hurried after him as Mike walked up to us, his voice threatening, "You will both be in charge of cleaning up the stall as a punishment..."

"Mike," that was Jessica's voice. "Look, Kongpob brought in so many customers to our stall, give him a break please?" She's trying to play the goodie good shoes role now...yuck.

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