His Part-time Job

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His Part-time Job

Part 27

Arthit's POV

And so he left...

The entire house was cast in a dark gloom and even though I tried to suppress my depressed feelings, I believe my moping was rather obvious. Upset as she was, Mrs Suthiluck even took time to comfort me.

"Kongpob will be back before we know it, Arthit." 

Looking at her brave smile, I tried to force a feeble smile onto my face in response. Even my friends in university could tell that something was wrong.

"Why are you looking so down lately, Arthit?" Aya asked me worriedly.

"Yes, do tell us. We're friends, aren't we?" May was just as concerned. So I told them.

And they were not happy to hear it.



As I was finishing explaining what had happened to my friends, I heard a loud cheer behind me and turned around to see Max executing something similar to a war dance. 

"Three cheers, Arthit is no longer staying with Kongpob!" 

I glared at him fiercely and walked away, leaving him still gloating over the fact that Kongpob Suthiluck had moved out.


It was a week later when I was still walking around university like a zombie when Mike approached me excitedly.

"Yo Arthit!"

"Hi ... ..."

"Hey, I know where Kongpob is working!" 

Immediately, my eyes widened and I stared at h,im giving him my full attention. 

"Do you want to know where?" 

I nodded my head hastily.

"Fine, but you have to buy me lunch then," he winked. Don't say lunch, even if I had to buy him an expensive tennis racket I would have done so willingly.


Soon, we found ourselves sitting in Sotus – a new restaurant that just opened up in the city center. 

"So ... ..." I began hesitantly, glancing around. "Don't I get even a hint first? I mean you know I'm definitely treating you to lunch already..." 

Mike simply smiled wickedly and turned his attention to the waiter.

"Welcome! What would you like to order?" I stiffened as I heard the achingly familiar voice from behind me. Turning hastily, I found myself staring directly at Kongpob Suthiluck who was dressed in the waiter's uniform. However, there was no sign of recognition in those dark eyes that looked coolly at Mike and me. 

A bright smile lit up my face as my eyes drank in his features greedily – he looked oh so handsome and just...well.

"I would like..." I could hear Mike ordering something, but my entire attention was focused on Kongpob. He seemed to be waiting patiently as I simply continued grinning at him.

"And what would your companion like?" His words roused me from my dream-like state.

"Er ... ..." I hadn't even looked at the menu. "I'll have whatever Mike's having."

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