Drunk Confessions

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Drunk Confessions

Part 10

Kongpob's POV

"K-Kongpob, thanks so much for your..." 

There he goes again the minute his last classmate had left.

"Why are you so concerned about going to university?" I cut him off, not wanting to hear his profuse and repeated "thank yous".

"My dad wants me to go," there was a strange dignity in his eyes as they gazed at me, big and sparkling. "So I don't want to disappoint him." 

This wasn't right. Going to university should be everyone's own choice, but I knew how much Arthit cared for his father. So, for once, I decided to hold my peace.

"Well, I don't want to go to university." 

As I had expected, his jaw dropped as a shocked expression spread over his face once again.

"But why? You're so smart..."

"That's precisely why. I don't see what more will I learn in university." 

Anyway, it's really strange that I'm actually telling him this. I haven't even told my parents yet. But somehow I felt like I wanted Arthit to know...

Weird, right?

Something must be wrong with me.

I left him staring wordlessly after me as I went back to my bedroom to sleep for the night. 

Peace at last!


"Hey Kongpob," I looked up to see Mike rushing up to me down the hallway. I cocked an eyebrow at him. God, I haven't seen him look so excited since our previous exam results were announced. "Did you know that everyone in F-class passed except for Max?"

"Ooh, really?" 

I feigned ignorance, but I was secretly smirking inside, however, I kept my expression bland. As always.

Well, for the next couple of weeks, the teachers were all buzzing in excitement about the near miraculous achievement of the F-class.  It was the first time in school's history that almost everyone in F class passed. Miraculous indeed...

I could see that a few of the F students were bursting to tell the teachers about what I had done, but I had told Arthit to make sure that no one said a single word. Strangely enough, they actually managed to control their loose tongues. All the teachers were all mystified and finally they pinned it down to dumb luck...

I sat at my table, for once slightly disturbed. The entrance exams for the prestigious SK University are looming up — next week in fact. I know that my parents, especially Dad, wants me to get into the top university in the country and that's SK University. Of course, part of the reason is due to him being a SK graduate and hoping that his son will proudly follow in his footsteps. 

However, I feel strangely reluctant to go to SK University. Perhaps it's the rebelliousness in me, but why should I have to go to SK University just because Dad went there as well? I don't want to go and that's final. I don't want to go to university at all.

An uneasy feeling crept into me — somehow almost subconsciously, I feel that there is another reason for me not wanting to go to SK University...I know Arthit would never be able to get in there and I—...wait, is it because... No way! 

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