Heart Attack

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Heart Attack

Part 42

Kongpob's POV

"Dad," I spoke to my father as he was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper after dinner time.

"Yes, son?"

"I'm going to study medicine and be a doctor. I have no intention of taking over your business." 

I saw my father stiffen in surprise, then the newspaper dropped from his nerveless hands. To my horror, his face was slowly turning red and deepening into maroon as he began breathing very loudly. His left hand clutched at his chest and his face twisted in agony. I knew this! These symptoms resembled those of a patient going into ... ... cardiac arrest! Shit!

"Daniel, call an ambulance now!" 

Daniel shot me a scared look as he jumped up to obey me. I quickly pushed dad down on the sofa, propping his head on a pillow to make his labored breathing easier, as I loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. Mama turned very pale, but to my relief, she didn't burst into hysterics. It would have been more than I could handle if she had. Instead, she sat silently by dad, clutching his hand in hers and letting me take care of him. 

To my relief, the ambulance arrived within the next few minutes and the paramedics rushed in with a stretcher. No word was spoken throughout the journey. We watched anxiously as Dad was wheeled into the emergency room as soon as we reached the hospital.

I would never forget that night as we all sat waiting outside the emergency room, not knowing what the news would be. Dad had never had an attack before – damn he didn't even have a history of heart problems in his family! 

Mama was unnaturally quiet, her face was deathly white as she gazed at the entrance to the surgery room. Her hands were clasped together so tightly that her knuckles had all turned white as well. Mr Rojnapat sat next to her, patting her on the shoulder occasionally. 

Arthit's pale faced gazed at both my mother and myself constantly as he wrung his hands in distress, occasionally shedding a tear. Daniel was sitting next to Arthit and he didn't even protest when he put his arm around him. They were comforting each other in silence and I was relieved to see that.

After what seemed like years, the door finally opened and the doctor came out.

"How is he?" We all dashed up to him.

"The bypass surgery was successful. However, he needs lots of bed rest and do NOT on any account expose him to any more stress..." 

Although the news wasn't exactly good one, at least Dad was no longer in any danger and the surgery went well. We collectively heaved a sigh of relief before trooping to the patient room that he was wheeled to. We were allowed to gaze at him for a couple of minutes before the nurse shooed us out again to give him the rest he needed.

That night, I made my decision, while sitting beside my dad's bed. I was no longer going to transfer to medical school. Instead, I would tentatively take a break from University and help out with Dad's business until he has fully recovered. It was time I started acting like a responsible adult. After all I was the head of the family after Dad.


Arthit's POV

I have been doing all the housework and cooking for Daniel and Kongpob Suthiluck lately, since Auntie has started spending all her time in hospital with Mr Suthiluck. It makes me feel... a bit like in charge of the house... and the feeling isn't too bad. I mean I do love looking after Kongpob Suthiluck ...and thanks to this opportunity, I have approved my cooking skills quite a bit.

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