The Best B-Day Gift

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The Best B-Day Gift

Part 37

Arthit's POV

I was getting more and more distressed by the minute as everything that Aya was reading out showed how incompatible I was with Kongpob Suthiluck. Was it really decided by the stars? That we were bound to not match with each other?


"Okay, last one...." Aya said as she quickly flipped open the last book in her lap and I held my breath anxiously.

But instead of hearing Aya's voice reading the book aloud, I heard a familiar husky voice speaking in a calm tone, "Kongpob's sign moves through life with pure intellectual exploration, asking questions like so what does this mean and how does it connect to extant objects? While Arthit's sign is more emotionally focused, asking questions like how does this feel? These partners may find it extremely difficult to understand the other's origin of thought and conflicts are inevitable in this relationship..."

"Kongpob!" I leapt to my feet in shock, my eyes glowing with joy as I looked at the tall figure leaning over Aya's shoulder and gazing at the book in her hand. But before I could say anything more, Auntie had rushed over the moment she heard Kongpob Suthiluck reading out loud, and immediately pulled him aside.

"Why are you so late???" She whacked him hard on his shoulder and I found myself flinching as if her target was myself. "You should have known better...I already told you weeks ago you should be here..." 

However, Kongpob Suthiluck stood there calmly, not responding to her ire. Then as if he got tired of all her theatrics, he turned to me.

The moment our eyes met, I felt an odd electric current traveling down my spine. His dark eyes seemed to widen slightly as they traveled from my face down the full length of my body, and back up again to my face. Under his steady gaze, I felt myself going weak in the knees and I unconsciously leant back against the sofa. I hoped with all my heart he found me least this once. Gosh, I really hoped so. 

For one long moment (or so it seemed to me – apparently later, I was told it was not even noticeable to the rest) we stared at each other. This was one of the first times that I saw some kind of warm emotion as I gazed into the depths of his dark eyes. However, I could not decipher the look – I only knew it gave me a warm cosy feeling inside, as if I was soaking in the hot springs. As if he was...admiring me.

"Happy birthday, Arthit." My knees trembled at the sound of his voice. "You look handsome." Was it my imagination or was his tone a tad warm? Others probably were not able to tell, but I was so familiar with his tone of voice by now that I could detect nuances that no one else could. 

I blushed deep shade of red and reluctantly tore my eyes away from him when Mrs Suthiluck touched my shoulder. She had a bright encouraging smile on her face.

"My present must be given to you in private." His next words drew not only my attention but everyone's else. When I looked at him, the warm look was gone and he was back to his normal cool self. "Shall we go to your room?" 

Extremely curious to know what surprise he had for me, I quickly nodded as I led the way to my room. We were both unconscious of the delighted expression on Mrs Suthiluck's face, as well as the shocked looks on my friends' faces and horrified looks that were reflected on our fathers' and Daniel's faces.

As soon as we entered my room, to my surprise, Kongpob Suthiluck pulled my spare chair to my desk, next to my original chair, and calmly sat down in it. "Bring out your books." I looked at him in surprise. "I'm tutoring you for your exams tomorrow – that's my birthday present for you." 

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