The Wrong Confession

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The Wrong Confession

Part 32

Arthit's POV


I lifted my eyes and blinked as I looked into a pair of warm brown eyes in a boyishly handsome face. Any artist would love to draw the perfect straight nose and the dimple in the chin. I almost gaped at his handsomeness – who was this?

"...Umm, will you go out with me?" 

This time, my jaw dropped. Aya and May had identical shocked expressions on their faces. The brown eyes twinkled in amusement.

"No, I'm not joking. My name is Nat and this is my first year in university. Nice to meet you all." He bowed as my brows arched in surprise – goodness, he was two years younger than me. My junior just asked me out?

"Before you say anything, I want you to know that I know all about Kongpob Suthiluck and you..." 

I would have blushed to the roots of my hair if I hadn't been totally confused by him. What on earth was he thinking of? "...however, so long as you are both still not officially a couple, I still have a chance with you and the right to ask you out," he continued smoothly, eyes twinkling. "So, I'll see you tomorrow morning outside the university again to make our date plans." 

My mouth was still open when he waved to all of us cheerfully and left after giving me one last look. This was definitely the first time anyone so cute and normal had asked me out. With such confidence! Wow...

My legs gave way and I collapsed onto the ground as Aya and May immediately pounced on me. "Will you go with him, Arthit???" 

However, my mind was on other things. What would be Kongpob Suthiluck's reaction when he found out? 


Disappointingly as usual, not a muscle moved in his face when Aya and May told him about the cute handsome guy asking me out.

"Oh, did he? It's none of my business..." he barely managed to stifle a yawn as he walked away from them. 

I was left down in the dumps as per normal. 


However, when Kongpob Suthiluck leaked out that private piece of information at dinner time at the house, the reaction was much more louder than I expected.

"What ?!?! Arthit is thinking of going out with someone else?" That was Mrs Suthiluck screaming. She was visibly upset and Mr Suthiluck did his best to try to comfort her.

"I don't approve of you going out with younger boys, Arthit..." 

Oooops, I knew that look and that tone only too well – it's obvious that my dad was on Auntie's side, still trying to keep me together with this "never-going-to-happen-love-with-Kongpob". 

You don't want to date me, but you try to ruin every opportunity I have to date someone else??!! Wait till I get my hands on you... -_-

I glared at Kongpob Suthiluck who continued to eat his dinner placidly as if nothing had happened...


I found my footsteps getting heavier and heavier as I was nearing the University gates next day. Perhaps this was just a prank that Nat guy was playing? Perhaps it was just a bet that he had with his friends to see if I would stupidly believe him and turn up? 

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