"Kongpob's partner"

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"Kongpob's partner"

Part 38

Arthit's POV

Everyone had a very gloomy expression on their faces as Mike kept looking at his watch impatiently, muttering to himself. "What on earth is taking Krystal so long? The tournament is going to start in about 10 mins!" 

He paced around feverishly and I didn't say a single word – I couldn't. I only felt my palms sweating with nervousness – Krystal, please please hurry up! I really don't want to play in this tournament...

Finally, 5 minutes before the tournament started, Mike stopped pacing. He took a final glance at his watch and then came towards me, a grim expression on his face. I took a step back involuntarily, shaking my head furiously, cause I already knew what he would say. "Get ready to play Arthit."

"NO!" I shook my head violently. Wild horses wouldn't get me to step into the court – if I played, losing the game would be a foregone conclusion. Kongpob Suthiluck would do much better playing by himself.

"YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!" Mike yelled at me in frustration. Close to tears, I still shook my head stubbornly, backing away from the fearsome scowl on Mike's face. Don't make me go, please don't! He clenched his hands into fists and took a few threatening steps towards me.

"Mike, let me talk to him." Kongpob Suthiluck suddenly stepped between us, preventing Mike from coming any closer to me.


Krystal's POV

I wanted to tear my hair out in frustration. Of all days, the train had to break down today!!! I have every intention to write to the Ministry of Transportation and lodge a complain about the poor transportation services provided in this city in spite of the high fares that are charged by the government. I looked at my watch – only twenty minutes left till the tournament. 

There was no other choice. Gritting my teeth, I got off the train and started running towards University. It would take a miracle to get me there on time.


I heard a familiar voice behind me and turned around, seeing Nat on his bicycle. "Where are you rushing off to? Hang on, aren't you on the tennis team?" He took a look at my disheveled appearance and put two and two together. "Hey hop on, I'll give you a lift." He stopped pedaling and waited beside me. I looked at his bicycle dubiously. "Come on," he made an impatient gesture. "Otherwise, you'd probably make it in time to hear the results of the tournament."

Biting my lip, I nodded and climbed up behind him.

"Hang on tight!" He told me as I insistently wrapped my arms around his waist. Then, off he went, pedaling as fast as he could. I could feel the wind whipping through my hair as the bicycle zipped down the streets. 

"Faster, Nat, faster!" I screamed in joy. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to be rescued by a knight my age wearing sports gear and riding on a mountain bike...

Modern times require modern solutions, I guess.

Nevertheless, I was happy to have him save me like this.

Very very happy...


Kongpob's POV

"Arthit..." I began slowly, keeping my voice soft.

"No, no..." Arthit kept shaking his head as he backed away from me, his hair flying all over the place as he kept shaking it. 

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