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Part 46

Arthit's POV

"Arthit, may I come in?"

"Of course, Dad!" I looked up from my notes when my dad entered my room, seeing an extremely somber expression on his face. Immediately, I started to feel very uneasy, "What...what happened, Dad? Did anyone get sick or..."

"Oh no no, nothing like that! But I do have something very important to discuss with you." 

I looked at him nervously, waiting for him to continue. His serious tone and expression was starting to scare me. "Arthit, I think it's time for us to leave the Kongpob household."

My eyes widened. This was definitely not something I had expected. Almost as a reflex action, I opened my mouth and started protesting automatically, "...but Dad ..." He held out his hand, gesturing for me to keep quiet and hear him out. I shut my mouth again.

"I know of your feelings for Kongpob..." Of course he had to, everyone we were acquainted with knew about them. "...However, if you continue in this stubborn unrequited love fashion, then no one will be hurt but yourself. You know that Vanessa is as good as married to Kongpob and Kongpob has already agreed to it..." I flinched but he continued relentlessly, "I think it's time for you to forget Kongpob. I just wish to see you happy, so you need to get over him Arthit, for your own happiness. So first, let's leave this place with some pride still intact. One must know when it is time to let go, especially of something that isn't yours. And as you know, this house is also not ours..." 

My head bowed as tears brimmed in my eyes and I nodded silently. I knew that everything my father said was true, yet every single word of his stabbed into my bleeding heart.  Despite the pain I was thankful for my dad for being so honest with me. He was the last person I needed to open my eyes to the cruelty of the world and just...give up on Kongpob Suthiluck.

Indeed, this was the one and only solution, except why is it always so damn hard to let go?


A couple of days after my conversation with Dad, I was on a date again with Max. We were having a peaceful picnic by the lake, gazing at the shimmering waters and the fish swimming in hordes just beneath the surface.

"So, what shall we do next?" I was feeling pretty rested after two hours and was ready for some action.

"Arthit, w-w-will you marry me?" 

My empty cup fell from nerveless fingers as I spun around and stared at Max, eyes wide with shock and a cold shiver running down my spine. There was an extremely serious expression on his face that I had never seen before. As I remained silent he asked me again, "Are you willing to marry me, Arthit? When you fall in love with someone, you don't need to think about why. You just know it. I've loved you and only you since high school. You know that I have never looked at another person ever since I first saw you. There is only one person in the world who I want to be beside me for the rest of my life – and it's you, Arthit. Will you please marry me?"

I stared at the dark eyes that were looking pleadingly at me. There was a kind of awkward yet sincere emotion in their depths that touched me deeply and paralyzed my tongue – somehow I could not utter the refusal that I had so often callously given him in reply to his previous demands. But after all, he had previously never asked me in earnest to marry him. Oh gosh...

I swallowed nervously and stared at my hands, not knowing what to say. As the silence between us grew heavy, his face drooped in disappointment and he sighed, "You don't have to answer me now. I know this proposal is rather unexpected. I'll give you all the time you need to slowly think it over, okay?"

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