Someone new

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Someone new

Part 45

Arthit's POV

"Max, do you want to go out with me?" My palms were sweating as I waited for him to respond. Max's eyes widened instantly as his jaw fell open in shock, then a huge grin appeared on his face and his eyes were actually shining.

"Of course, of course, of course!!!" He said repeatedly and smiling so excitedly that I had no doubt of his willingness to accompany me anywhere. After all these years, he would still choose me over anyone else. Dear, Max... 

I found myself forcing a weak smile at him, feeling rather ashamed of myself. It wasn't really fair of me to be going out with Max when my heart was obviously still Kongpob Suthiluck's. However, I was only following Kongpob Suthiluck's advice to move on. And who better than with a guy whom I know has been in love with me for ages, and who would never ever trample on my heart the way he has?


"Are you sure you want to go out with Max, Arthit?" I turned to see Nat looking at me with a rather worried expression on his face.

"Why? Are you thinking of going out with me instead?" I teased him lightly.

"I am very willing to do so." However, I simply smiled and shook my head at him.

"Nat! What about Krystal? I heard that you are both very good friends now?" I lifted my eyebrows and gave him a knowing look. He blushed furiously and then laughed. Ah ha! So the news about them being a couple is accurate.

"I heard about Kongpob," Nat said suddenly looking rather serious. Immediately, the smile faded from my face. "I understand how you're feeling...It is really time for you to move on and be happy. Actually, I was so sure that the one Kongpob likes is you..." My head shot up as I stared at him, hope starting to flicker in me again. Surely if Nat thinks that Kongpob Suthiluck likes me, I would have a chance...right?

But before I could ask him any further, I found two pairs of arms holding me captive and pulling me away from him.

"Aya, May, let me go! I was talking to Nat..."

"We heard," Aya cut in.

"Look Arthit," May added gently. "What is the point of asking Nat if Kongpob likes you? He's going to marry Vanessa and you know that. If he really likes you, would he do that? And even if he likes you, he is still marrying Vanessa, so how would that help anything? Don't cause yourself any more unnecessary pain, Arthit." 

I lowered my head, letting the last embers of hope die out. May was too right, I had decided last night to totally give up on Kongpob Suthiluck and give Max a chance. I could not back out of my decision now. 

It was indeed the best for all.

Kongpob Suthiluck was cold-hearted and arrogant, who caused me nothing but heartbreak. 

It was time to move on.


Kongpob's POV

"Good morning, Daniel." I sat down at the breakfast table as he returned my greeting. To my surprise, Arthit's place was still empty.

"Arthit's still sleeping?" I asked out loud before I could stop myself. That was strange, Arthit is usually the first one up on Saturday.

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