The First Date

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The First Date

Part 22

Arthit's POV

In a matter of seconds I collided with something huge, yet soft. I lifted up my head and froze. This completely obese man with a huge stain on his shirt was standing directly in my path, scowling fiercely at me. His hand lifted threateningly as I cowered.

"You clumsy idiot, you made me spill my drink!" His fat sausage of a finger pointed to the orange spot that was spreading on his light blue shirt. "You better pay me back for this shirt!" He shook his finger at me threateningly now as I took a couple of steps back in a panic. He followed me as he frowned even more fiercely. My legs felt like jelly and I shut my eyes in a panic as his fingers clenched into a fist, waiting for the blow to hit me...

"Run!" A familiar husky voice sounded next to my ear and my arm was seized in a firm grip. Before I knew what was happening, I found my legs carrying me away from the scary man as fast as they could and I was running and stumbling after...


Kongpob Suthiluck! 

My mind was still blank where he pulled me around a corner and then peered out. Moments later, the obese man stumbled past us and disappeared from sight. I heard another person breathing heavily next to me and turned to see Mike gasping for air. Apparently, he had been running together with us too. 

Kongpob let go of my hand and I stared at him unblinkingly as he stood up and we both followed him via another route back to the mall. 

Jessica was standing next to the ice-cream stand, apparently waiting for Kongpob. My heart started sinking again when I saw her. They're gonna be together again huh...? 

Suddenly, Kongpob Suthiluck stopped and looked at Mike. "Go, take care of her," he gestured with his head in Jessica's direction. "That's what you have been doing anyway..." 

I saw astonishment appear on Mike's face, swiftly followed by gratitude mixed with some embarrassment.

"So you knew all along..."

 I guess he thought that Kongpob hadn't noticed his affection towards Jessica. Of course he did, it's Kongpob Suthiluck...

"Go," Kongpob Suthiluck jerked his head again impatiently. A frown appeared on Jessica's face as she saw that Kongpob Suthiluck was urging Mike towards her. I was totally taken aback by this unexpected turn of events when Kongpob pulled me to another corner of the shopping center. 

From the corner of my eye, I saw Jessica looking after our disappearing backs with an extremely unhappy expression on her face. However, this time I was too numb with shock to feel anything as Kongpob squeezed my hand tighter. 

And all I could think of was...Kongpob Suthiluck is holding my hand!

And his hand felt so warm in mine...



Is this reality or...another one of my crazy fantasies?

Nope...this was a reality and I could feel him squeeze my hand tighter as it threatened to slip from his hold. Kongpob Suthiluck is really really holding my hand! 

Please please please let this moment never end!

We kept walking further and further until finally, Kongpob let go of me and stopped. I looked searchingly at him, but his face was as emotionless as always.

It Started with a KissΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα