New hope

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New hope

Part 17

Arthit's POV

My knees were shaking and I could barely drag myself forward to meet the tennis ball that was hurtling forward at the speed of 50km/h. Not surprisingly, I missed it.

"What are you doing??? Stop lazing, run faster! That's it! As a punishment, go and run round the court another five times!" Mike roared at me. Gosh, he was taking practice way too seriously. I was almost ready to collapse on my face, but I struggled to drag myself to the side of the court and started to half-stagger, half-jog around the court.

"Great improvement over there..." 

My head shot up and I gazed in disbelief at Kongpob Suthiluck standing in front of me, his hands in his pockets as usual. What was he doing here? It wasn't even his practice day — the school representative team is meant to be training tomorrow. Then his words sank in and I frowned —how could he still rub it in like that? Obviously he doesn't give a damn about my feelings at all.

"Kongpob! Great, you're here. Do you want to play a game or are you too scared to play with me?" Mike was rubbing his hands in anticipation. I saw a frown cease Kongpob's forehead for a moment. That was Mike, always wanting to provoke him into a match even though he knew that Kongpob Suthiluck's tennis skills were superior to his. I guess he hopes to beat Kongpob Suthiluck one day — just as I hope that Kongpob Suthiluck would like me one day. For a moment, I felt sorry for Mike.


"We'll play doubles." 

Before Kongpob could answer, Mike was gesturing to Jessica. "Jessica will be my partner and Arthit will be yours."

"Whaaat???" Both of us exclaimed at the same time and my jaw dropped open. Me? That's it, Kongpob Suthiluck would definitely lose this time round. I glanced at him. It was rather obvious that he was thinking somewhere along the same lines. His eyebrows were knitted together in a frown. However, to my surprise, he didn't protest.

"Don't hit any of the balls," he said to me before we stepped into the court. I nodded and silently heaved a sigh of relief.

"Please pretend I'm not in the court," I said to Jessica as she headed for the opposite end of the court.

"Even if I hit it to you, you wouldn't be able to return my ball," she threw me a sarcastic look and left me grinding me teeth.

What??? That bi—

Control Arthit, control! I tried to calm myself down. After all she was only telling the truth. 

However, the truth always hurts...


Kongpob's POV

I knew that this was not going to be my day when Mike picked Arthit as my partner. For revenge of course. Putting the best player together with the worst in one time was a recipe for disaster and ultimately his victory. 

"So sorry, so sorry," she stammered as she helped me up as I shoved his hand aside roughly.

"Next time, please move AWAY from the ball and not in the direction of the ball," I gritted out between clenched teeth. Even if he is not quite up to my intellectual level, isn't it common sense that one should avoid the ball if one isn't going to hit it? 

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