Valentine's Day...Yet again

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Valentine's Day...Yet again

Part 29

Arthit's POV

I looked at the spread of mouth-watering delicacies in front of me on the canteen table – different types of sushi, salmon sashimi, fish and chips, French pastries and cakes, teriyaki chicken, sandwiches, noodles etc – there was enough to feed an entire army. My eyes started to fill again with tears of gratitude as I smiled weakly at Aya's and May's eager faces.

"Thank you so much, but I'm not hungry. Why don't you both just go ahead." Their faces fell as I gave them each a tight hug and left the table, not wanting to break down in public yet again. 

I walked outside and rested my head against the nearest tree trunk, wiping my tears with a handkerchief and trying to calm down.

"Come on, Arthit!" I chided myself. "It's really not like you to suddenly turn into a spineless waterspout over a man! Kongpob Suthiluck isn't the only man in the world! You couldn't see the forest for the trees! Let's go out now and get yourself another man, 10,000x better than Kongpob Suthiluck!" 

I squared my shoulders with renewed determination and walked out of the university gates, looking at the pedestrians – focusing mostly on the male students to be more accurate. I scanned the sea of faces, trying to find one that could replace Kongpob Suthiluck. My feet were aching – three hours had probably passed – when I suddenly saw a face that captured my attention. Tall and lean, dark hair with a lock of fringe falling into the dark cool eyes and chiseled features – geez that guy really looked like Kongpob Suthiluck.

"That one is good..." I thought to myself, my eyes fixed on his face as he walked nearer to me. "Ok Arthit, new target spotted – standby, ready to go into action." I took in a deep breath and curled my hands into fists, preparing to talk to him.

When he was just a few feet away (before I could try anything), he turned and those dark captivating eyes met mine. I saw the light of recognition in them and uncontrollably, my heart started racing – it was not an Kongpob Suthiluck look-alike – it was the man himself. I started panicking as he approached me, suddenly unable to breathe.

"Hey Arthit, it's been quite a while." 

Lord help me, he's standing directly in front of me and there's no way I can avoid him now.

"...Yes," there was a pause before I answered awkwardly, trying to look at anywhere but his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Wrong? Nothing! Everything's fine!" I blabbed loudly, my voice an octave higher than usual. I saw him frown at me and I know he didn't believe that one bit, but fortunately, he didn't continue his line of inquiry.

"I'm waiting for someone."

"Oh..." Realizing that I wasn't exactly being my usual talkative self, I tried to sound more normal, "How's your new house by the way?"

"That place? Oh it's really nice. It's big and roomy." 

My heart sank to my boots when his expression didn't even flicker as he mentioned the place. I felt my fragile heart shatter yet again – deep down in my pained heart, I was hoping that he would provide some kind of explanation and convince me that I was mistaken. And he was right – the house I saw was extremely large. But he should have mentioned living together with...someone.

Somehow I managed to converse with him casually, hiding the pain in my heart. "... it's quite a big place to be living alone isn't it?" Somehow the words came unbidden to my lips.

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