The 1st Kiss

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The 1st kiss

Part 14

Arthit's POV

Finally, the long awaited day has arrived. I will be graduating today with Kongpob Suthiluck!!!

I can't believe we have come this far!

My handsome smart Kongpob Suthiluck is graduating with me and gosh...he is soo handsome today~

I just can't stop staring at him...

 As we walked into the school compound — me two meters behind him of course as agreed — I noticed that everyone was looking at both of us and whispering.

"..., he's not going to SK University..."

"Kongpob...wasn't accepted at SK.... Arthit's fault."

"...heard that it was Arthit who had an accident, preventing him..."

I flushed bright red and then turned pale as I overheard some bits of the conversations. I stole a glance at Kongpob Suthiluck. His face was expressionless as usual as he strode towards the hall with his hands in his pocket, totally unfazed by the ceaseless chatter around him. 

Once again, I was filled with admiration for him — how could he remain indifferent when everyone was talking about him? And talking bad things?

I bit my lip as I hung my head guiltily, quickening my footsteps to escape from the mob.


Kongpob's POV

"Stop there Kongpob!" I heard this loud bellow as I was walking down the corridor. I recognized the familiar yelling voice right away and frowned heavily as I turned around. Max was dashing up to me, his hands swinging wildly all over the place. Whatever is wrong with this idiot now? Don't tell me he wants to pick a fight on graduation day? Apologies but yours truly will not give in gracefully this time round — I need to look presentable for the graduation speech.

"I heard that you are not going to SK University? Is it because of Arthit?" He was looking at me angrily.

"What? Arthit?" I was stunned for a moment. Then, realization hit and I almost burst out laughing.

That idiot really thinks that I would abandon SK University for Arthit...Wow, the imagination of idiots is really on another level.

"You want to go to the same university as Arthit? Don't you dare to take Arthit away from me!" He screamed louder, looking very pissed off.

Wait, so he thinks he can just...take Arthit for himself?

I stepped back as he started spluttering in my face, but I kept my voice calm as I enticed him further.

"When was he yours to start with? As if I would want him anyway!"

"I will make him like me much more that he ever liked you! Wait and see Kongpob!" He finished with a passionate threat.

"I wait with bated breath," I spoke with a smirk and walked away smugly, leaving Max standing shaking with rage.


Arthit's POV

I sighed again as I looked at the serious expression on the cool handsome face on stage. My thoughts returned to years ago, to the first time I saw him on stage — he hasn't changed much at all. Looking at him speaking, it was as if time had stopped and we were all frozen in the past. The images of us together flashed in my mind...

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