It Ended with...Sex (Bonus Honeymoon Smut)

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It Ended with...Sex

Arthit's POV

Our first day of honeymoon had been less awkward than I had feared. Immediately after checking in our bags to the hotel, we left for the beach and spent the day in the sun and by the beautiful blue ocean.

Well, it took me quite a while to coax Kongpob to come play in the water with me, but once he did and finally let down his guard (or I guess he was still anxious and stressed by how everyone had pressured us to get married so quickly), he was very excited to splash around me in the water and make silly faces at me before disappearing underwater. 

For a moment, the water went perfectly still around me and I waited anxiously for Kongpob to come up the water again. The promise of not ruining my freshly blow-dried hair was completely gone out of the window as soon as Kongpob suddenly appeared from underwater, grabbed me and tossed me inside. I yelped and laughed out loud as I hugged him for dear life.

Yeah, I was never a good swimmer, was quite terrified of the deep water, but I loved the beach. And I was with Kongpob, my...husband. Gosh, calling him like that was still a bit awkward... But I felt so happy, since I knew he would protect me for everything, and everyone. He had promised me so during our wedding ceremony, promising me sweet things with such strong confidence I never thought I would hear from him. The cold poker-faced Kongpob Suthiluck had promised me to love and protect me till Death do us apart...

What more could I ask? was perfect.

"Simply perfect," I muttered to myself as I stared at Kongpob Suthiluck dreamy-eyed.

This was my favorite, happiest day after our wedding ceremony. That's still on the top of my list of happiness so far! :)

And so, our first honeymoon day passed by in that fun, carefree, playful way so fast that suddenly, the sun had set, wind had turned cold and it was time to return to the hotel for our dinner...

...and first night together as a married couple. nerves were killing me and as we rode the car back to the hotel, I had lost count on how many times I tried to distract myself from the feeling of Kongpob's lips against mine a while ago. 

My mind kept replying the moment earlier when Kongpob appeared from underneath the water, pulled me into his arms and surprised me by placing a soft kiss on my lips. It had happened so fast and Kongpob's face showed no change from his usual poker face, that I almost wasn't sure it had happened, but the sweet sensation on my lips assured me that Kongpob really had kissed me. The pad of my fingers touched my tingling lips, wondering if they're rosier than usual.

And so, I spent the ride back to the hotel in absent-minded state and the awkward silence between us was making me even more nervous.

Oh god oh god...we are going back to the the bedroom...and will spend the night together!

It's our first honeymoon night...and...I knew exactly what was supposed to happen.

But...are we really...?

Gosh I was so nervous! Of course, I wanted it to happen...I wanted Kongpob to...I wanted him. Every time he touched me, my body shivered and skin tingled in response, so overwhelmed with excitement and expecting so much more that I had never dared to put into words.

But, I was so so...nervous with so many troubling thoughts circling my poor head.

Are we really going to do it?

It Started with a KissOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara