Our Kiss

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Our Kiss

Part 41

Arthit's POV

Mike has been really enthusiastic about building up the team spirit between members of the tennis club by organizing lots of different activities. Currently, we're off again to admire the blooming of the Sakura blossoms in the countryside. 

I have a sneaky suspicion that this is partly to allow him to be in the company of Jessica, but since he has forced Kongpob Suthiluck to be present as well (otherwise Jessica may not have turned up), I'm fine with his arrangements. 

It should be noted that Mike is once again the captain of the tennis club for new semester. And guess who is his right-hand man or rather woman? Yes, it's his favourite Jessica. I must say that Mike had broken quite a few of the club rules, for example the one that doesn't allow the same person to head the club two years in a row. However, he over-ruled all the objections and I guess in the end most people didn't really care that much anyway.

Quite frankly the only potential candidate other than Jessica would have been Kongpob Suthiluck. I still remember his reaction when the other members complained to him about Mike and wanted him to sign the petition. 

A slight frown appeared on his forehead and I could tell that he was pretty irritated by the situation, "So what if Mike wants to be captain again? Is that any business of mine? He is a good captain, so let him be! I have better things to do than to sign such inane petitions," he walked away leaving the other members staring at him with their jaws hanging open as I gazed dreamily after him. 

That was simply sooooooo cool, soooooo handsome Kongpob Suthiluck ... ... sigh ... ...

It's true though, with helping Mr Suthiluck with the business, keeping up with his studies (which isn't difficult for him I must say), playing tennis and reading up on medicine in his own spare time, he doesn't have much time for the frivolous administrative matters in heading such clubs. In fact, I could see that his eyebrows were drawn together deep in thought as he sat in front with Jessica chattering away like a magpie next to him. It was pretty obvious that he didn't want to come for this "compulsory" outing at all.

We were sitting under this huge Sakura tree, singing songs and having our picnic when I saw Jessica whispering something to Kongpob Suthiluck. Then to my horror, he stood up and walked off with her. What on earth was she trying to do? 

Krystal who was sitting next to Mike spoke up at this moment, shocking me even more. "I was wondering when Jessica would make her move."

"What move?" Mike voiced my thoughts out loud.

"Sis has been in a pretty bad mood, because Kongpob moved back home and transferred to Medicine department without telling her. So I guess she's simply taking this opportunity to have it out with him and probably tell him how she feels about him." Krystal shrugged rather nonchalantly as both both Mike and I turned from white to red. 

Without another word, we both leapt to our feet simultaneously and ran quickly after them. Krystal's eyes widened at our actions, then she continued sipping her drink calmly. Somehow along the way she had dropped out of the race for winning Kongpob's heart. I suspected that a certain good-looking intelligent first year guy called Nat played a great part in her gradual change.

I was happy for them. Honestly, they would make a really smart and good-looking people.

And well, one less competitor for me to fight with, even better! Hehe...

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