Do Your Best

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Do Your Best

Part 3

Arthit's POV

I could hardly keep my eyes opened, I was so tired. 

It was the 6th night in a row that I wasn't getting any sleep, because of our late-night studies. I'm sure Kongpob Suthiluck was just as exhausted as I was. I turned my head and saw that his head was pillowed on his arms. Apparently, he had already fallen asleep on my desk. At other times I would have taken the opportunity to gaze at him longer, he looked so peaceful and endearing when he was asleep. However, I struggled to keep my eyes open and exhaustion got the best of me. My eyelids drooped and I collapsed onto the table next to Kongpob, fast asleep within seconds.

"Tea break!" Auntie announced cheerfully as she stepped into the room with a tray. She was secretly delighted when Kongpob had "volunteered" to tutor Arthit for his exams. Sometimes, Kongpob's frustrated voice echoed so loudly through the house (yes even though the door was shut) that it made her wince. But in the past few days, it seemed that her eldest son was learning to control his temper and become more calm around Arthit. Well, it's good for him to learn some patience. Arthit was good influence on his cold and arrogant son.

She had prepared endless trays of goodies to keep the "romance" going. She stopped on the doorway and a wide grin threatened to split her face as she looked at the scene in front of her eyes. Both Arthit and Kongpob were fast asleep on the desk, their heads close to each other, looking positively glowing together. 

"Camera, camera!" She thought excitedly as she put down the tray and fumbled for her camera that was always with her so that she could capture such memorable moments. 

*Click, click, click*

She snapped away, peering closer to the sleeping couple.

The pair slumbered on peacefully, unaware that photographs were being taken of them.


Kongpob's POV

"Okay, now the answer to this sum is..." 

I couldn't believe it when he actually started to improve in his studies. My goodness, he had been so damn hopeless at first, taking 5 hours to do a simple sum that I could do in a minute, and still getting it wrong. 

I saw his face screw up in concentration again and heaved a sigh as I flipped open my horror fiction, might as well have a quick read when he makes his pathetic attempts to solve it. However, I must commemorate him on his determination. Must be difficult to be so dumb...

"Well, that is correct..." I started saying when he finally pushed his notebook over to me, biting into his lip nervously. 

Before I could finish my sentence, suddenly, a pair of arms was flung around my neck, almost choking me.

"Yay! Thank you, thank you!" That baka was hugging me so tight and practically screaming in my ear. I quickly pushed him away.

"Don't hug me, now do this one." I muttered quickly, not looking at him. I knew him too well already. I could imagine his disappointed expression, he would be biting his lip and looking hurt again. 

Soon, I heard the familiar sound of his pencil scratching on paper again and I went back to reading my book.


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