Giving up...finally

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Giving up...finally

Part 28

Arthit's POV

After around fifteen minute's walk, I saw them enter this large elegant looking apartment building together. They disappeared inside and soon a light lit up in one of the 2nd floor rooms.

Dread clutched at my heart with its icy fingers.

They are living together!

The thought flashed through my brain, tearing my heart into a million pieces. I remained in the freezing cold long after, unwilling and unable to believe what my eyes had just witnessed. 

When I lifted my hand to rub my eyes, I realized that my cheeks were all wet – tears had seeped out unconsciously. Overwhelmed by the pain and the shock, it was pitch dark when I finally made my way home slowly, wiping at the tears in my eyes, unable to erase the pain in my heart.


"Welcome home, Arthit!" Mrs Suthiluck cheerfully greeted me as per normal when I stepped into the house.

"Hi Auntie." Even I was slightly taken aback by my lack-luster tone and red puffy eyes. Immediately, she popped her head out of the kitchen and looked at me anxiously.

"Are you alright, Arthit? You look a bit pale. Would you like me to prepare something for you or would a bath make you feel better?" 

Touched at her concern, I tried my best to muster up a smile. "I'm fine, Auntie. I'll probably go and sleep early today – I'm just a bit tired." 

The moment the door shut behind me, the tears that I had been suppressing for so long rolled down my cheeks freely. It was as if a dam had burst. I simply collapsed onto my bed and wept my heart out, my entire body shaking from the violence of my sobs. The only thought in in my mind was that I had lost Kongpob Suthiluck truly and irrevocably – that I had lost him forever. The stabbing pain in my heart was worse than a thousand knives. Even the thought of death crossed my mind, what would it be but simply an intensification of the darkness that my world had fallen into? I lay there motionless, wishing I'd fall asleep to forget the pain even if for a moment...


The sound of breaking glass greeted me when I entered the dining room the next morning. A glass had fallen from Mrs Suthiluck's nerveless hand. She was staring at me in absolute shock. I turned and noticed the same expression reflected on everyone's face as they looked at me.

"What happened, Arthit? You're so pale and look as if you have aged ten years in one night! Have you been studying too hard?" I tried to force a smile on my lips.

"No Auntie, I just didn't get a good night's sleep."

"If my brother was here and saw your face now, he'd probably die of a heart attack." Daniel remarked nastily with a smirk on his face.

I was too weak to reply him with a fight, so I gave in easily instead. "Yeah. You're right."


Daniel's POV

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard his words. What? That's all? No further argument? Just a simple "Yeah. You're right"? Never did I expect that Baka to agree with me so peaceably. I was actually warming up for a fierce verbal battle. 

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