Happy 20th Birthday

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Happy 20th Birthday

Part 35

Arthit's POV

"Arthit, you're turning twenty soon! Your birthday's on the 18th of this month, isn't it?" Mrs Suthiluck greeted me cheerfully when I entered the kitchen.

"Yes, but it's only the beginning of the month, Auntie..." 

She completely ignored my comment. Instead, I heard lots of slamming of cupboards as I watched her rummage around the kitchen for no apparent reason.

"Mrs Suthiluck, are you alright?" I gazed at her in concern. Other than the fact that she was rather flushed, she seemed fine.

"I'm fine, Arthit. Oh, your father was looking for you." It was almost she couldn't wait to push me out of the kitchen. I was extremely puzzled by her weird behavior but soon put it out of my mind. 

A few nights later, I was going down to the kitchen for a drink.

"What else should we get?" I heard Mrs Suthiluck talking.

"It's enough, it's enough! You'll spoil Arthit..." I heard my father protesting. After eavesdropping for a few minutes, all was revealed. The overly kind Mrs Suthiluck was planning a birthday party for me. I whooped silently before creeping back to bed.

"Did you already found out?" The very next day, somehow Mrs Suthiluck had found out that I already knew about the party (I suspected my dad had seen me eavesdropping them on the stairs and told her). I hemmed and hawed, not knowing if I should fake ignorance to please her. 

Suddenly, she grabbed me by the arm. "Well, maybe it's better you know. Let's go visit Kongpob, I want to ask him to come as well." 

Despite my struggles and protests, before I knew it, we were standing outside his apartment (just a side note to myself: remember, Auntie has an iron grip and the strength of an elephant). 

I watched in silence as Auntie started telling Kongpob excitedly all about the party the moment he opened the door to his apartment.

"So remember Kongpob, it's on the 18th of this month..."

"Urm ... ..." My heart sank to my boots when I saw that he was trying to say something to his mother – probably about not being able to go. He definitely didn't look excited about it.

What were you expecting, Arthit?

"You are coming and that's final. Make sure you don't forget." 

After hearing that note of finality in his mother's voice, Kongpob Suthiluck kept his mouth shut and simply nodded sternly.

OMG! Kongpob Suthiluck is coming to my birthday party! OMGOMGOMG!

Satisfied that she had achieved her "goal", Mrs Suthiluck pulled me merrily back towards the car. "Let's go and do some shopping, Arthit! I still want to get more streamers to fix up the sitting room!" 

I ran after her helplessly – she was dragging me by my arm again (damn that fragile-looking woman was damn strong – leaving Kongpob Suthiluck to stare irately after us...


"Arthit," I turned to see Aya and May waving at me.


"Hey, your aunt invited us to your birthday party too! We're coming of course, but remember that we have a test the next day, so we can't stay for too long. You, yourself too for that matter." 

It Started with a KissTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang