An Unexpected Turn of Events

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An Unexpected Turn of Events

Part 21

Arthit's POV

I was practicing tennis half-heartedly and in pain, my 'wounds' not fully healed from Kongpob Suthiluck's attack the day before. If it wasn't bad enough that I was suffering from severe depression, I heard Jessica's insinuating voice.

"Why Arthit, you're not looking too good for someone who's dating!" 


My head shot up and I stared at her in surprise. What on earth was she talking about?

"So tell me how's it going with Mike? Don't be shy..." 

Of all hypocrites! Now she's acting like she's my best friend.

"There's nothing going on between me and Mike," I could barely force the words out through clenched teeth.

"Really? That's not what I've heard from everyone ... ..." before she finished her sentence, May and Aya jumped on me, appearing from nowhere. How did they always manage to appear from thin air?

"When did this start Arthit???"

"How could you keep this from us, aren't we suppose to be best friends???" 

Sigh...That explained the whispers and the weird glances that I have been receiving since stepping into the tennis court today. However, I was too down to even ponder about the reason for everyone's behaviour. 

My face flushed with annoyance. "There's nothing going on between me and Mike! I'm going to kill the person who spread the rumors!" I yelled in angry frustration. May and Aya backed away from me with worried looks.

"Ok, ok calm down!" 

I kicked the wall in anger and then started hopping around in pain, holding my foot. What a dumb move...

Half an hour later, I found myself watching Mike and Kongpob Suthiluck playing against each other with Jessica seated herself next to me. I have no idea why she merrily placed herself next to me, however, I was too polite to kick her off the chair though I would loved to. 

Mike, that stubborn baka, could not resist challenging Kongpob Suthiluck to a match yet again. I felt the familiar ache in my heart again as I gazed at Kongpob Suthiluck's serious expression as he focused on the match. He looked so endearing as he focused on Mike, gripping his racket firmly in one hand as he bounced the tennis ball with the other. Sweat was starting to glisten on his forehead and I longed, for an instance, to be the one wiping his sweat for him...

"Go Kongpob, go!" Jessica was cheering for Kongpob extremely loudly next to me, irritating the heck out of me. It was obvious that Mike was losing – Kongpob didn't need any further support from Jessica, but Mike did.

"You should be cheering for Mike since he is losing," I told her. To my horror, she immediately shrieked out, "Mike, Arthit wants you to do your best!" I was praying that no one heard her, but unfortunately the heavens did not answer my prayers (yet again!). Mike may not have heard it since he was at the further end of the tennis court, but Kongpob Suthiluck evidently did. And he threw an ice cold glance in my direction, I noticed that his hand had tightened around his tennis racket with unnecessary force, and a muscle in his cheek was twitching spasmodically...

He looked extremely pissed off all of a sudden.

And then everyone watched in fascination as Kongpob Suthiluck showed us for the first time the stuff that he was made of. We thought that he had played well before, but it was obvious that he had only been toying with all his opponents. Seriously, his incredible speed, placement and the power of his strokes were incredible. It appeared almost as if the tennis ball moved at his will. He held nothing back as he smashed the tennis ball repeatedly towards Mike. 

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