The Festival (Part 1)

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The Festival (Part 1)

Part 24

Arthit's POV

"So Kongpob, are you going to try for the SK entrance exams?" 

Mr Suthiluck suddenly broached the subject at dinnertime and I almost choked over my rice. Goodness, I never knew that eating dinner with Suthiluck family is such a precarious occassion – I couldn't even begin to count the number of times that I had almost died a premature death when my food went down the wrong way due to the "surprises" sprung at me. 

I stared at Kongpob Suthiluck anxiously. I thought he had given up on going to SK? A lump came into my throat as I imagined him being in a different university from me. 

Strangely enough, his expression did not even flicker as he continued to eat his dinner passively in perfect silence. Mr Suthiluck held his peace as Auntie glared at him. But Kongpob remained resolute and didn't utter a single word in reply.


"Kongpob Suthiluck!" He paused in the act of opening his bedroom door when I hurriedly ran up the stairs after him, before turning to face me with his usual calm expression.

"Are... are you intending to take the exams again?"


He replied and simply walked into his room, shutting the door behind him. I heaved a sigh of relief – I knew it was really selfish of me, but I was really glad that he would still be in the same University as me. At least, I would get to see more of him every day...


"Arthit, do you know that we are going to have a festival?" I could see Aya's eyes sparkling with excitement as she told me the news.

"Yes, and they would be choosing a 'Queen and King' for the festival!" May added as she came up to both of us, pointing to a poster in the far end of the corridor. We all went up to have a look. 

Well of course, in my eyes, Kongpob Suthiluck is the perfect King! what if I could be the festival Queen! Me!? And I would be Kongpob's Queen!!! We would be a couple... *dreaming*

I started having daydreams again – I mean I know a plain guy like me would never win, but even normal guys have the right to dream, don't they? 

As we walked off, I saw Jessica staring at the same poster with a smile on her face. My heart sank – silly as I was, I knew that I was no match for Jessica. Face it Arthit, with her looks that girl could become Miss World if she entered that competition. What chance do you have to stand beside Kongpob?


Before we knew it, the long-awaited festival had arrived. I smiled in delight as I looked at the cute little stalls set up all along the university grounds, anticipating what fun it would be to visit the stalls one-by-one later. 

Currently, I was working at the stall set up by the tennis club with my fellow club mates including Kongpob Suthiluck, YEEESSSSH! 

Unfortunately, even before we were ready for "business", there was already a long line of female customers... And they were all making a beeline for Kongpob Suthiluck ... ... Sigh! 

I silently gritted my teeth as I saw this girl drooling so obviously at Kongpob Suthiluck as he handed her a hot-dog with a slight smile – I thought his smile seemed rather forced from my angle but what do I know? Maybe he was enjoying himself with all the attention he got from the girls...

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