Date with Nat

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Date with Nat

Part 33

Arthit's POV

They always say that those that want to make fools of others end up being the worst fools. I guess this applies in my situation – although I'm not trying to make a fool of Kongpob Suthiluck, but I'm trying to make him jealous and his lack of response cuts me to the core instead. So who is the greatest fool here, huh? Me...As always, me!

I tried to push these bitter thoughts away as I waited for Nat to arrive to our house.

"Arthit, let's go." 

I smiled when I saw Nat looking really handsome in a white polo shirt and dark blue Levis jeans. Boy, that guy is really good looking. I really wonder what he sees in me. 

Before I stepped outside, I quickly snuck a peek at Kongpob Suthiluck in the living room – reading his book and having absolutely no reaction at all. In fact, I doubt if he even noticed that Nat had arrived and I was leaving. I sighed inwardly and then tried to cheer up. It's not fair to keep moping over Kongpob Suthiluck when Nat has kindly asked me out. I should try my best to forget about Kongpob and enjoy this date!

I turned to see a speculative look on Nat's face. "How long have you liked Kongpob senpai for, Arthit?"

"F...four years." I stammered, too taken aback to make up a plausible lie.

Suddenly he stopped walking and the brown eyes looked steadily into mine, "You have liked him and him alone for four years. Then suddenly I appear out of the blue and start asking you to turn your affections towards me. I don't expect you to change your feelings immediately – that's asking for the impossible. However, even if you notice me a little, I'm already very happy." 

The understanding, warmth and sincerity in those eyes and that gentle tone... I couldn't control the tears that sprang unbidden to my eyes.

"Thank you," I whispered between my sobs. I didn't trust my voice to say any more than that.

"We have no time to be sad, Arthit. Let's go to the amusement park!" Nat's eyes shone when he saw how affected I was by his words. I blinked back the tears and set off with a renewed determination to enjoy myself during our date. 

It wasn't difficult at all. Nat was an amusing companion, intelligent, light-hearted and at the same time extremely attentive. We went on many crazy rides, challenging each other to go on the scariest ones (where I may or may not have screamed like a girl, half-crying, half-screaming). He bought me cotton candy and drinks afterwards to help me calm down and then tried his best to make me smile again by taking me to see baby animals in the zoo nearby. All in all, I had a wonderful time. 

After he sent me home, he asked me for another date and I consented this time with a much lighter heart. He didn't try to kiss me – I think he knew I wasn't ready for that yet – instead, he just smiled at me in his warm friendly way, gave me an affectionate pat on my head and left.

Honestly, if this doesn't take us into a relationship in the future, I would definitely like to keep Nat around as a good friend, I was thinking to myself before stepping inside the house.

As expected, Auntie was cooking dinner and Daniel and Kongpob were both reading in the living room. While Auntie ran up to me, asking me about my date, Daniel just stared at us curiously and I could tell he was also eavesdropping.

Kongpob didn't lift his eyes from his book not even once to greet me.


It Started with a KissOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara