Daniel's Memory

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Daniel's Memory

Part 40

Daniel's POV

As the door banged shut after Arthit running after Kongpob, Mama suddenly sat down on the sofa and burst into tears.

"Now now," Papa put his arm around her, trying to comfort her.

"I did a terrible thing...I hit my son and oh gosh, why did I do it?" Mama was sobbing uncontrollably and it hurt to see her so sad like this.

"Don't cry, dear. Kongpob was raising his voice and we all got a bit emotional and it just...happened. Don't worry, I'm sure he understands and will forgive us both. We never wanted to force him to work in my business, but I had always hoped he would take over some day. I think we have to sit down again and listen to what he really wants, okay? I'm sure our son will make the best decision for himself, and that's all we want, right my dear?" My Papa was calming down Mama and gradually she seemed to calm down as she kept nodding to what Papa was saying.

As I listened to Papa argumentative like that, I realized how smart and understanding my Papa was in that moment. He was obviously angry with Brother to have ran off like that, but he also wanted to listen to his desires about his future.

"...But...now I see how hopeless it is..." Mama wept in Papa's arms, hiccuping between her small sobs. "Kongpob's my son. I can see that he really likes Arthit, even though he never shows it. Call it mother's intuition but I swear I haven't made this up, I would never force him to like someone he doesn't care about. But from the day Rojnapat family moved in with us, I saw a change in him, tiniest motion flicker behind his poker face and I decided to try my best to get them together. I...I really thought he would finally admit his feelings for Arthit. But after what he said, it's obvious I have made a terrible mistake. I really can't believe that I am wrong. I really really felt it. Maybe I overdid things a but. But by trying to push them together, I've succeeded in tearing them apart..." 

Papa simply passed Mama his handkerchief, comforting her the best he could, but I could see a small tear in the corner of his eyes as well. He quickly wiped it away and turned to help Mama wipe her tears.

I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I can never stand seeing Mama cry. Especially when she is blaming herself for something she didn't do wrong. 

"Mama," I walked up to them. "Calm down. You were all right. Brother likes Arthit, he always has. Don't worry and please, don't cry anymore." 

Her sobbing stopped immediately and her wet eyes lit up. Recognizing the familiar mischievous glint in her eyes, I secretly groaned and quickly ran away, fleeing to the safety of my bedroom – I can't tell them more details. I can't break my word to Brother.

As I had expected, she ran after me upstairs, yelling excitedly, "What do you mean by that Daniel? What do you know? What have you seen? What evidence do you have? Spill it, child!!!" 

Fortunately, I had reached my room before she could catch me and quickly slammed the door shut, locking it behind me. Mama continued to hammer on my door for a while, ordering me to unlock the door and promising me all my favorite sweets if I would tell her what I knew. When she mentioned baking my favourite chocolate brownie cake for me, I almost...aaaalmost gave in, but I kept still on the bed and resisted till the end.

Luckily, she eventually gave up when I proved immune to all her threats and sweet-talking, and went back downstairs. A few moments I heard her rummaging around the kitchen, humming her favorite 'cheer up' song and immediately I knew that my words had helped lighten her mood.

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