The 3rd Kiss

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The 3rd Kiss

Part 47

Arthit's POV

I sat at the counter of the restaurant, watching Max cooking. It was very obvious that he was trying his best to impress me with his skills. I had to admit that his cooking was really not bad – the salmon sashimi was delicately sliced and tender yet crispy and the miso soup was just right, neither too salty nor too tasteless. I really appreciate how hard he had been working to win me over these few days. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that it was time for him to take his allocated break from work until he sat down next to me and refilled my cup with green tea.

"Penny for you thoughts?" He beamed at me.

"Max..." A pair of hopeful brown eyes looked into mine as my voice died away. I swallowed as my throat suddenly went dry and tried again. "Max, would you... would you please give me more time to consider your proposal?" 

The light in those warm brown eyes died away, replaced by deep sadness. Then, his mouth curved into a smile again.

"Sure, Arthit. I'll wait for you – I always will." 

His simple but sincere statement brought tears to my eyes. What did I do to deserve such loyalty?

"Thank you, Max. Thank you." I looked at him, forcing my trembling lips into a smile. There was a depth of emotion similar to despair in his brown eyes as he held my gaze for a long moment, then his hand slowly came up to touch my face as his face inclined down towards mine. My control snapped just as his lips were inches from mine.

"N-no! Kongpob!" I suddenly called out as we both froze, staring at each other. I saw the last traces of hope in those brown eyes die out before they closed as his face twisted in pain.

"I'm so sorry, Max. Forgive me! I'm so sorry! My heart doesn't belong to you, so I can't marry you. I'm soooooo sorry!!!" I looked at the deep pain etched on his features in sorrow and regret, before I spun round and ran out of the restaurant that had suddenly become claustrophobic.

It was raining cats and dogs outside, it was dark with no people around, perfectly matching my gloomy mood. I had left the house early in the morning and didn't have my umbrella with me, however, I could not stay in the restaurant a second longer. I ran out into the rain, letting the cold wetness seep through my clothes and calm my nerves. 

After a while of aimless running, I slowed down to a walk – it was rather difficult to run in completely soaked clothes. I was beginning to feel the coldness sweep through my body as the chilly wind made the night even more unbearable. Still, I refused to focus on it. My thoughts automatically returned to Max and then... Kongpob Suthiluck. 

How could I have screamed out Kongpob's name when Max tried to kiss me? No matter how hard I've tried, there was no way I could marry Max. In fact, I knew that I would never marry anyone else. How could I when there was only one person in my heart and mind? 

With a sinking feeling in my heart, I realized that I would probably love Kongpob Suthiluck until the day I die. I would silently be watching from aside as he gets married one day and builds a beautiful family...

I heaved a sigh as I continued plodding on in the heavy rain.

When I reached the park nearby, I was walking with my head low, splashing my feet angrily through the rain, until I happened to look up as I brushed a lock of hair that was obstructing my vision from my face. 

It Started with a KissHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin