Start of University Life

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Start of University Life

Part 15

Arthit's POV

I was sitting at the table, shifting uneasily as I eyed Kongpob Suthiluck's empty seat — any time now he would come down for breakfast. For once, I wasn't hungry and I stared at my bowl of rice as I toyed with my chopsticks, unable to swallow anything. 

How would he react when he sees me? 

I felt my ears growing hot as I remembered again the way his arms had held me securely last night and the touch of his lips on mine. 

*Thump, thump, thump*

Footsteps coming down the stairs...

My heart started racing as I stared even harder at my bowl of rice.

"Kongpob, good morning."

"Morning mum, morning Arthit." His voice was as flat and emotionless as ever.

"G...good morning," I stuttered, almost choking on a mouthful of rice that I had hastily shoved into my mouth before he appeared, in order to avoid looking at him. I could not resist sneaking a peek at him. To my disappointment, Kongpob Suthiluck was reading the paper as normal as he sat there eating his breakfast. He was acting as if nothing had happened between us. 

My heart plunged with disappointment. 

Well what else did you expect Arthit? I scolded myself severely for having all those daydreams about him ever since he kissed me.

"Kongpob, doesn't Arthit look pretty in his new clothes? We bought them when we went shopping for his university clothes last week." Finally, the cool dark eyes lifted to my face, observing my red sleek shirt and black jeans. I felt my face turning hot as they gazed at me appraisingly and calmly.

"You've grown fatter." 

My eyes widened in incredulity as he turned back to reading his paper without another word. What a mean thing to say! How could Kongpob Suthiluck say that to a person, especially to someone that he has kissed!??

I should have known that he was still the same scientific miracle — a cold-blooded mammal... Well at least he has been kind enough to disillusion me right from the start — goodbye my wonderful dreams...


May and Aya were waiting for me at the university as I arrived. We were all extremely disappointed when we realized that once again, we were in the worst class in the University. 

And as expected, Kongpob Suthiluck was in the best class — it was history repeating itself all over again. During lunch, I took a route that would enable me to walk by Kongpob Suthiluck's faculty. To my shock, I saw that Jessica and Mike were both with him — how did the two of them end up in this university instead of SK?

I squinted my eyes when I saw Jessica lean extremely close to Kongpob to whisper something to him, smiling super widely and just being way too close to him for comfort. It was obvious she was very interested in Kongpob.

Luckily, Kongpob maintained his expressionless face, but he didn't push her away when she brushed closer.


Did you hear that?

That was the sound of my poor hopeless heart breaking...

Once again.

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