Spending the Night at Kongpob's

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Spending the Night at Kongpob's

Part 30


Arthit's POV

I thanked Kongpob for the tea, "Has Jessica been here?" I couldn't help asking quietly, already dreading the answer.

"No, you're my first visitor."


Kongpob's POV

I could see that baka's face lighting up at my answer. It's really strange what ordinary people get happy about. I don't understand why it means so much to him that he's my first visitor – after all I don't have that many friends and I really don't see the need to invite them to my apartment. 

I went to call my mother and proceeded to have a really unsatisfactory – but expected conversation with her. When she knew that Arthit was at my place, she made up lots of feeble excuses including that it was snowing and she didn't want to go out, the car had broken down etc etc, finally concluding that she would pick Arthit up tomorrow. Actually, I already predicted her reaction when I first invited Arthit home, which was why I hesitated slightly at Sotus before making my decision.

I didn't want that baka to get the wrong idea about spending the night at my place.

"My mum doesn't want to venture out into the cold," My tone was slightly sarcastic. "You'll have to stay here till tomorrow." 

I saw his eyes widened as his jaw fell open. Then, he swallowed nervously and rubbed his small hands together. Looking at his hands made me realize that I didn't have much food at my place because I always ate at Sotus

I recalled how his hand was pressed against his abdomen just now when I barely caught him fainting, preventing him from hitting the ground...and how that small touch had made my heart...

"I'm going out to get dinner." With that I left, giving him time to digest the fact that he was going to spend the night at my place.

And time for myself to calm down my racing heart.


Arthit's POV

I couldn't believe my ears even after the door shut behind Kongpob Suthiluck. 


What?!? I was going to have to spend the night at Kongpob Suthiluck's place???

Never in my wildest dreams had I expected something like that to happen! 



This is a dream come true!!!


Dan dan da daaan, dan dan daaan...Stop it Arthit! It's not the time nor the place to dream about your wedding yet!!!

Ohhh but what a wedding day it would be...


When I finally calmed down a little, I decided to take a look around and clean up the place a little for Kongpob. I stood up and walked around the small living room, noting that everything was spick and span. There was nothing that I could do. 

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