University Entrance Exams

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University Entrance Exams

Part 11

Kongpob's POV

My head was practically splitting in two as I made my way unsteadily down the stairs. Hangover? No way, I never get hangovers. 

It was just that Daniel was talking so loudly in his sleep last night that I didn't manage to get any. I guess he was simply too traumatized by Arthit almost throwing up over him. Well, with him muttering, tossing and turning, I didn't get any sleep at all.

"Kongpob! OMG why are you so pale???" That was my mum shrieking.

"What happened Kongpob? Are you alright?" 

If it wasn't enough, that baka had to join in with the screaming as well. Suddenly, both faces were extremely close to mine and I quickly jumped backwards, preventing them from invading my personal space further.

"Headache." Immediately both of then were rumbling through our huge first aid kit.

"Here you go," my mum flourished a packet of tablets in front of me. "The best cure for headaches — take two." I would usually simply ignore all the fuss and bear with the pain stoically, but I decided that I would take the medicine this once. How would I be able to sit for the exam with a throbbing head? Reluctantly, I shook two into my hand and grabbed the glass of water that Arthit was holding at my side, looking super worried for me.

"Oh no!" Mum suddenly wailed. I looked at her my heart in my throat as she stared at the packet with wide eyes. Great, I must have ingested rat poison by mistake. Mentally, I got ready to be sent to hospital to get my stomach pumped — I knew that I should never take anything from Arthit without reading the labels myself. "It's sleep inducing!"

Relief overwhelmed me before the implications hit me. I groaned, just what I needed on top of having a bad night's rest. Perhaps I would fall asleep in the middle of the exam. Well, then in a way I wouldn't have to go to SK Univerisity. I was contemplating my options when a pink shabby-looking thing was shoved under my nose.

"What's this?" I frowned at Arthit.

"It's a good luck charm that I folded for you! Here," before I could protest, he had attached it on my school bag. Wanting to step out of the house before anything more could go bad, I bid them a hasty goodbye and quickly left for the train station. If I had know what was going to happen, I would have taken time to pluck the "charm" off my bag and thrown it away. 

"Good luck charm" indeed, it was more like a curse.

I was going to step out of the train at the stop in front of SK University when something or someone held me back. I took a glance backwards and saw that the pink charm had gotten caught on the door. Shit! By the time I had managed to untangle it, the train had already moved on and I had missed the right stop. I had to get to the next station and waited for about twenty minutes to catch the next train back to SK's station. 

I glanced at my watch, seeing the second hand tick steadily as the time rapidly approached that for my exam. For the first time, I had to rush to school as fast as I could, otherwise I would have been late.

Deciding to get rid of the "cursed" charm before going in for my exam, I removed it from my bag but accidentally dropped it on the floor. I was bending down to pick it up when something collided with me, hitting me with the force of a small train. Not surprisingly, I found myself on the hard floor. The next thing I was helped by some kind passerby to the nurse's room where the doctor bandaged the bruise on my forehead.

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