Alone again

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Alone again

Part 16

Arthit's POV

I clung onto my handbag tightly, mustering all my courage to hold onto my thin thread of self-control as I stood next to Dad outside the house. 

The entire Kongpob family was seeing both of us off. Kongpob's parents both looked extremely sad. Mrs Kongpob was clutching a handkerchief in one hand and she dabbed surreptitiously at her eyes when she thought that no one was looking. 

However, Daniel was wearing this huge grin that was threatening to split his face in two — I can't blame him. He must be overjoyed to have his room back again. 

Finally, I swallowed hard and glanced at Kongpob Suthiluck. He was standing slightly to the side looking rather bored as he gazed at the moving car that we'd hired, his hands in his pocket. 

I didn't expect any fond farewells from him — but surely he could pretend that he cared even a little?

Looking at him again, he seemed as uninterested and expressionless as always.

I guess miracles don't happen after all.

"Thank you so much for your hospitality," Dad said bowing at them one by one as I hastily copied his actions. "You must come and visit us next time!"

"Yes, thanks so much for having us here Auntie and Uncle," I repeated politely, barely getting through it without crying. "I apologize deeply for all the trouble that I have caused you." I bit my lip and lowered my head to the pavement. 

Suddenly, a pair of arms were flung around me and Mrs Kongpob was hugging me super tightly.

"Take care of yourself and your Dad, Arthit," I looked into her eyes that were brimming with tears. "I will miss you dearly — you've been just like a third son to me!"

"Auntie!" I hugged her back, tears already trickling down my eyes. However, I almost gritted my teeth angrily when I heard something like a snort from Daniel. Obviously, he was not pleased of the idea of a second older brother.

After all this time, I couldn't get him to warm up to me and the basketball incident had made things even worse...

Finally, I moved away to stop hugging Auntie. 

I turned again to face Kongpob Suthiluck — for the last time? I guess so...

He finally moved his gaze to my face filled with puffy red eyes and tears of sorrow.

"I'm so sorry for messing up your life, Kongpob Suthiluck. Please forgive me." I bowed deeply to him. The dark eyes gazed at me for a couple of seconds in silence.


Short, sweet and final. 

My heart was breaking at his monosyllabic answer. 

No "I forgive you", no "it's okay", no "take care and see you again"?

What more could I expect from him?

Sigh...I guess in Kongpob Suthiluck's cold eyes I was not even worth that much.

I fake-smiled at him as I turned and got into the car with Dad. 

Tears were endlessly flowing down my cheeks as we finally drove away from the Kongpob household.


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