Chapter 51

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“You killed her.” Hope’s voice was small and shaking. “You killed her!”

“Yes, you’ve said.” Klaus rolled his eyes. 

“Of course I have! You killed her!”

“Well nothing either of us can do about it now, so why don’t you go ahead and just set me free?” Klaus knew it wouldn’t work. There was no chance Hope was going to let him out, but he had to say it anyway, just to watch her leap to her feet in outrage.

“I’m not letting you out!” She balled her hands into fists at her sides. “You just killed someone! I should send you straight back to the prison world.”

Hope sucked in a sharp breath as they both heard the key word: should.

“You won’t send me back.” Klaus smirked, settling down contentedly. “I’m your father, and that place was hell.”

“My father?” Hope straightened her spine, her words more forceful than she felt. “You are not my father. You’re a murder. I am sending you back.”

“Then just get it over with.” He raised his eyebrows in a silent taunt. “I was this close to getting out on my own anyways.”

“You’re lying.”

“Am I?” Klaus tilted his head. The corners of his lips tugged upwards with amusement. “Why would I lie now? Go ahead. Send me back and see for yourself. I’ll hop right in that delightful tar pit over there and pop right back out over here. Like magic.”

“A puddle of black goo?” Hope’s wide eyes snapped to him, every muscle in her body tense.

Klaus shrugged. “More like a cozy indoor pool surrounded by a top-secret facility, but sure.” 


“Awfully demanding, aren’t we?” 


“Look at us. I have information you want; you have something I want. What a predicament.”

Hope scoffed. “This isn’t a negotiation. I’m still not letting you out. Ever.”

“I’m open to a new deal now.” 

She hesitated, looking at Lizzie’s lifeless body in the heavy silence. There was no way she could give her father anything he wanted after what he did. But her voice worked ahead of her. “I’m listening.”

“I can settle for takeout.” Klaus beamed like he’d just offered her exactly what she wanted and as though there wasn’t a blonde corpse at his feet. “You bring me three students to feed on, and I’ll tell you a location and a name.”

Hope crossed her arms, pretending to consider it while she bit down on her rage. “You know what?” Her deep breath shook with effort. “How about we talk deals after Lizzie’s funeral? We’ll see just how generous I feel then.”

She held out her hands, pulling Lizzie to her with her magic. The girl was weightless in Hope’s arms as she carried her through the halls under the protection of an invisibility spell.

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