Chapter 71

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Klaus’ hair was matted to his head with dried blood, but it did nothing to stop the blade that Alaric swung down on his head - not for the first time. Klaus screamed in agony when Alaric poured vervain water into the open wound. 
“You killed four students!” Alaric shouted angrily, grabbing Klaus’ face roughly and glaring at him. 
“Your gold-star pupil hand-delivered all four to me - including your own daughter.” Klaus spat blood at Alaric’s shoes. “So tell me, Alaric, why is it me locked down here and not her?”
“She’s a kid.”
“She’s nineteen by my calculations.”
Alaric dropped his face roughly. “My point stands.”
“Do you always let kids take your car and your daughter on a school-night road trip with no adults?”
“Excuse me?”
Klaus smirked. “I know you caught her sneaking out last night. I can hear everything in this school. Everything."
Alaric bent back down in front of the crouching Original, speaking evenly. “Hope snuck out, but I just saw Josie this morning.”
“Oh no, not that daughter.” Klaus laughed mischievously. “Your other one.”
Alaric took a step back, eyebrows furrowing, confusion turning quickly to anger.
“Ah … take it you’ve not heard the good news then?”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not.”
Alaric grabbed the discarded blowtorch, face hardening as he flipped it on. Klaus’ eyes glowed yellow at the sight of the hot blue flame.

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