Chapter 55

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Hope slammed the door to her dorm behind her. Everything in her room rattled around her, paintbrushes and pencils clattering to the floor without her ever touching them. The sound of them spilling across the hardwood woke a bubbling rage that had been hiding under the tears she was holding back. 
With one angry sweep of her arms, she mindlessly sent a canvas and a cup of colorful water crashing to the floor. The cup shattered and threw diluted colors across her half-finished painting. 
She screamed, furious at the ruined painting, shrieking and throwing things around until her arms were too tired and her voice too hoarse to continue on. 
She flung herself to the floor, looking around her destroyed room, hands twisting in her hair. Soon the tears were too thick to see the wreckage. She could feel them falling steadily onto her shirt. 
“Fuck!” Hope kicked a nearby pillow, hating the fact that she had exhausted herself before her anger could lessen at all. 

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