Chapter 15

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"Hi!" Josie's smile was wide and fake as she looked at the brunette in front of her. "Welcome to the Salvatore School!"
"Sign-ins are right over there, and everything's set up just inside!" Lizzie added brightly, her smile genuine and her cheeks pink from the cold.
"So," Josie said when the girl left, "Hope's in the competition."
"She has been for the last two years." Lizzie's smile never faded as she nodded at a contestant in the distance. "Her mom was Miss Mystic Falls, so she wants to win this year. It's her last year."
"Well it's my first year and I - Hi! - want to win." Josie stared resolutely at her twin. "And I'm going to make sure it's not Hope or anyone else who beats me."
"Don't do anything stupid. Dad said no magic. Besides, - Hello! - Hope deserves to win this year. You have two more."
Josie rolled her eyes. "I deserve to win too."
"I know. Just … do it the right way."
"There's no right way." Josie threw her small shoulders back, eyeing Hope and Landon across the driveway. "This is war."

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