Chapter 5.15

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Harry did not know which was worse, seeing the dark mark on his sister's alabaster forearm, or watching Dobby dropped a mammoth of a chandelier on top of her. No, it wasn't Dobby. She pulled the chandelier down when Dobby was still working on the screws. Even after sixteen years, she still managed to make his heart jump out of his chest. With some small mercy, Dobby had appeared behind him with Ellie in his small arms, scratches and blood where her skin wasn't covered by clothes. He didn't let himself think twice as he ran to snatch back the wands from Malfoy, vaguely aware of Ron hauling Hermione away from Bellatrix as she scrambled her way out from whatever debris befall her.

His own blood was pounding too loud in his ears for him to register anything more than Dobby's outstretched arms for him, Ron, Hermione, and Griphook to take - with Luna and Mr. Ollivander already in Shell Cottage minutes before. He didn't have the split second to warn Dobby when he spotted the glint of the edge of the dagger that Bellatrix had thrown their way, just as Dobby disapparated them all.


The second they dropped to the sand, Luna was already there waiting for them. She was already there to help Hermione into the house - eyes still distant from whatever horror the wretched deatheater had thrown upon her. Griphook was quick to follow them, not bothering to grunt his thanks or see if they all made it in one piece. Ron stumbled to where Harry was weeping, craddling a bleeding Dobby, taking the blade to his guts after saving them all. He didn't realised he cared for the house elf that deeply before, but with Dobby seemingly so small in Harry's arms, Ron could almost hear his own heart breaking a little bit.

When they'd lost Dumbledore, it had been a hard blow for him. Ron was never favoured by the Headmaster like Harry or Hermione was, he couldn't even remember when was the last time the Headmaster had bothered to talk to him, but he'd thought Dumbledore would always be there. When he had first seen the Headmaster that night he first stepped foot in the Great Hall, Dumbledore had been old, but he had expected that much. Dumbledore had always been old. Always a steady, constant presence. Until he saw the body on the ground, still and lifeless.

When they had lost Mad Eye, he wasn't there to witness it. There wasn't even anything left of the former Auror to bury. To top it all of, he was still catching his breath from fighting the deatheaters whilst flying on a broom, and trying to keep Tonks out of harm's way. Then there were also the matter that Ellie was- Ellie. What the hell had happened to her?

She was lying a little bit closer to the shore than the rest of them, her eyes closed but her chest mercifully rose and fell ever so slightly. Alive, she was alive. A deatheater, but alive. It was enough, had to be enough, as he once again stumbled on the sand, making his way towards her. He'd think about the wicked skull and serpent taunting him from the inside of her forearm after he get her inside. He would think about it later, deal with it later. He needed her alive for that thinking. Alive and well.


A small whimper was her only response. There wasn't an inch of her that wasn't covered in bruises and scars. She was a bloody decent witch, and yet she couldn't do a thing to stop that monstrous chandelier from crushing her. As if she wished it to burry her under the ruble. He pushed the thought away as he approached her.

"Hey, it's me. It's Ron." Another small whimper was her only response, as she couldn't even move her tongue to form an answer. Ron wondered if every bone in her body was broken, shattered to pieces. He wouldn't be surprised if it was.

"This might hurt a little," warned Ron as he lifted her into his arms, as gently as he could. One look to where Harry was still kneeling, Ron knew better than to approach. Dobby was a fellow to him, but a dear friend to Harry in a way that Ron couldn't possibly understand. His sacrifice would haunt Harry for Merlin knew how long.

The Choices We Make ∆ Harry Potter SisterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu