Chapter 2.2

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That night, the two Potters along with the black dog arrived at Leaky Cauldron only to be greeted by the Minister of Magic himself. He was rather glad to found the two Potters in a good state and informed them both that he had took the liberty of buying their school necessities. They thanked him for that, even though Ellie felt rather uneasy of the ordeal. Harry was just glad that he wasn't in any kind of trouble for blowing their aunt earlier that day. In fact, the minister seemed to be rather impressed by Harry's accidental magic. The minister informed them of the danger of lurking around with a mass murderer by the name Sirius Black on the lose, and urged the two to remain where they were until it was time for them to leave for Hogwarts. He told them that they were to stay in a room while they're at the Leaky Cauldron, and to make themselves comfortable. They gave their gratitude once more before bidding the minister a pleasant night and retreated to the room that had been prepared for them.

Dumping their trunks on a corner of the room, they gladly jumped on the king sized bed that they would share for the night. The bed was creaky but spacious, so much more spacious than the single bed they were forced to share back at Privet Drive. Compared to the extremely bumpy ride they had had, the bed was heavenly. Even the dog seemed to enjoy the bed as he jumped to the foot of the bed and wasted no time to lie on his stomach contently.

"I suppose a thank you is in order, Harry," said Ellie out of the blue, breaking the silence in the room. Harry turned to his side and propped himself on his elbow so that he could get a better look at his sister, but he didn't say anything, and Ellie took the lack of answer as her cue to continue. "If we hadn't run away from the Dursleys, we would've had to spend another night there before we leave for Hogwarts. Personally, I'd take this dingy room anytime than the Dursleys. Plus, we got to meet this handsome lad right here. It's all thanks to you."

"Glad you see it that way. But you do remember we can't take him to Hogwarts, right?"

"I really wish we could," mumbled Ellie bitterly. She then sat up on the bed and scooped up the dog to place him on her laps. The touch of her hands woke the dog from his well deserved nap, but he didn't mind the affection he was receiving from the girl. Harry inched closer to his sister and gave her a side hug as he joined his sister in petting the dog. "I'm really sorry, Ellie, but we have to let him go."

Ellie sighed in defeat. She knew her brother was right, but that didn't mean she liked it. "Fine, tomorrow. We're keeping him for the night, though. Reckons he'd appreciate a good bed."

"I wouldn't expect anything less," replied Harry with a small smile on his face before giving her a kiss on the side of her head. "Why don't you go clean up a little bit, and I'll go downstairs to get ourselves something to eat, yeah?"

"You're the best."


The next morning, Harry helped Ellie packed all of her new school necessities into her trunk, making sure she left nothing behind like the good brother he was. With one last check, Harry settled their trunks by the door for later before going downstairs along with Ellie for breakfast. Just as they were stepping on the top stairs, they heard none other than Ron and Hermione bickering like an old married couple about their pets. Their pets of all things! Ellie stared at the pair incredulously whilst her brother seemed to be fairly entertain.

"Harry! Ellie!" Ron exclaimed in full surprised when he finally noticed the two Potters and gave them a hug each when they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Hi Harry," greeted Hermione with a beaming smile on her face. She glanced at Ellie for a second before returning her focus on the two Gryffindors like Ellie was nothing more than a stranger. Ellie shook her head, anger slowly bubbling inside of her. Sure, she didn't like the girl that much, but no need to be so loathsome.

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