Chapter 4.6

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"Padfoot! Is this really necessary?" grumbled Mad-Eye to the trudging black dog beside of him as he walked through the very crowded hall in 12 Grimmauld Place in the morning of 11th of September. "Would you watch it, Tonks?"

"Someone's grumpy," said Tonks through the side of her mouth to the bundles of teenagers clustered all around the room.

"I heard that!" yelled Mad-Eye from the other side of the room as he made sure that all of the Order Members whom was on duty knew where their posts were and what they had to do. The first of September was always a busy day for the wizarding world of the land of England, but the first September of 1995 was quite different from the ones since 1980. The events that occured during the summer just months ago might have been swept under the rug by the rest of the wizarding world, but for a handful of wizards and witches alike, especially those in the order, they knew all too well that it was only a glimpse of the chaos that was brewing. So call Mad-Eye paranoid, but he had every reason to believe it necessary to put on safety protocols at the King's Cross Station, especially on Platform 9¾. A day where wizards and witches would be caught off guard, too engulfed in their emotion whilst sending away their children, would be a field day for any Death Eater. Satisfied that everyone knew their job, he walked back to the hall and kicked the doorframe with his wooden door, hoping that his young auror would get a grip and be ready for her duty already.

Standing up from where she was crouching and petting her animagus cousin, Tonks smiled at the youngest Potter, "Alright, I'm off to the platform now, your godfather will take you there."

"I'm sorry we didn't spend more time together, Tonks," said Ellie as she pulled the auror whom was disguised as a man in his thirties, which suited her in a very odd way.

"Aww, write to me, yeah? It's nice having a girl around," said the auror as the two pulled apart. Tonks then bid her goodbyes to the other teenagers before leaving the house and disapparating right at the top step in front of the house. As Mad-Eye had arranged it, the four Weasleys would be off to the station with their parents. Next was Hermione and Harry, escorted by Kingsley. Lastly, it was Ellie and her godfathers - well, Ellie and her godfather, along with one hyperactive dog. Never in her life would Ellie ever think of how happy she is to feel the warmth of the sun flickering on her skin, or how the autumn breeze blew her hair. Ellie, was apparently not the only one enjoying the fresh air for a change as her beloved animagus of a godfather couldn't stop wagging his tail that for a second, Ellie feared he would get spasm. Padfoot kept running in circles between his goddaughter's legs or his best friend's, chasing after birds, rolling on unraked leaves. Remus had to keep reminding him to behave and keep moving with a heavy sigh every now and then, although Ellie could've sworn that she saw her godfather hiding the ever smallest smile on his face. Surely, if Remus was to train and discipline a canine, he would fail dismally.

Ellie could've sworn it was the best trip to King's Cross Station she had ever experienced. It was just as she wished things would be, well close enough at least, with her godfathers sending her away. Although, she did imagine it with Harry by her side, which seemed impossible that day since Harry had given her nothing but a cold shoulder. Deciding that nothing would taint the short memory of a perfect life she could have, she leaves her trunk with her godfathers as she went for the Weasleys to say goodbye.

"You be good, dear," said Mrs. Weasley as she pulled the young Potter into a tight hug, her husband smiling at the young Potter from behind her back, "Write to me if you need anything."

"I will, Mrs. Weasley. Bye, Mr. Weasley!"

Ellie wished she could say goodbye to the rest of the orders on the platform, but that would probably distract them from their duty, so she simply waved at the ones whom caught her eye. She returned to where her godfathers was standing. Padfoot had just dropped his front paws back to the ground, which was formerly on Harry's shoulders. She saw her brother gave his ex-professor a curt nod and jumped on the train. As soon as she reached her godfathers, she succumbed to the warmth of Remus Lupin's arms, burying her face in his chest with her arms around his torso. Remus chuckled slightly at her and planted a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

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