Chapter 2.12

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Eleanor Potter was not scared of many things. She wasn't scared of the dark like most children were, nor was she scared of the eight legged arachnid that crawled around a dusty corner - she had her aunt and uncle to thank for that. She wasn't scared of ghosts, and going to Hogwarts only seemed to put her in a place where she'd laugh at anyone who was scared of ghosts. She couldn't imagine the Bloody Baron, the ghosts that more often than not pointed out to her when her shirt was untucked. She wasn't scared to say the forbidden name, the name that caused most wizards far older than her shudder, the name of the wizard behind the reason she was orphaned. No, she was not scared of a lot of things. Some would even say she would dare the devil himself and comeback smirking. But following her newly found godfather in the dark tunnel that led them to a very abandoned house with blood trail under her feet, she found her heart beating faster that it should be. The darkness didn't matter to her, a simple lumos would solve the problem. The blood caused her to shudder, but only because of the prospect of the source of the blood. What really scared her was the echoing sound which seemed to come somewhere above the pair. Yelling and angry screams could be heard. Even if the sound wasn't completely audible, she knew far too well whose voice it was. At least, she knew one of the owner of the voices.

With her heart in her throat, she followed her DADA Professor, her godfather, to the room where all the noise was coming from, and boy did her heart stop for a second. There in front of her eyes was her brother, wand in hand, and pointed directly to the mass murderer whom had caused terror in both the wizarding and muggle world since summer. Eleanor Potter was not scared of many things, but if there was one thing she scared of, it would be losing her brother. Knowing him, the chances of him doing something beyond stupid and caused him his life would be greater than 50%. At least he had the upper hand, she tried to reason with herself. Her reason was thrown into the abyss when she heard her godfather disarmed her brother. She was lost for words as terror filled her every vein. She was frozen in place, unsure of what to do, when she witnessed the small banter between the professor and the convict. She was petrified when Remus Lupin, the man that had just made her feel a fatherly love not a couple of hours ago, lend a hand to Sirius Black, a madman, a mass murderer, a convict on the lose, and embraced him like a long lost brother.

"NO!" she heard the Gryffindor witch screamed, "Harry, don't trust him! He's been helping Black get into the castle, he wants you dead too! He's a werewolf!"

The scream and accusations from the Gryffindor witch pulled her back into her senses. Ellie must had been mad, but she didn't care. She heard the emphasis of the last word in the sentence, and she saw the way their eyes flood with fear that had nothing to do with the presence of Sirius Black in front of them. She stepped forward and stood in front of her godfather, whom was still embracing the mass murderer, and pointed her own wand at the older witch, making the three Gryffindors and the mass murderer to finally notice her presence for the first time. The witches and wizards in the shack could feel their ground shake slightly as Ellie stood with a murderous look in her eyes and wand pointed directly at her brother's best friend. She had a glint in her eyes that even the dead would tremble at the sight of it. "If you know what's good for you, you will shut your mouth, Granger," Ellie said coolly but just as dangerously before she turned to the youngest Weasley boy whom leg was bleeding like there was no tomorrow, "That goes to you too, Ron. One word about a werewolf from you, from any of you, and we'll have two murderers by the end of the night."

The boy nodded silently, still gripping his pet rat tightly in his hands. Ellie flicked her wand at the boy's leg, bandaging it to stop any further bleeding. The boy gave her a timid thanks, which she nodded to, before turning her back and faced her godfather. With her wand pointed at the older wizard, she demanded, "Explain."

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