Chapter 4.12

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"That's mad!" exclaimed the young Potter, not necessarily perplexed, more of thrown of her horses. It did not surprise her that the twins want to go out with a bang, she just did not realise how much of a bang they wanted, and dear Salazar, Hogwarts will never be prepared for it. Laughing it off, George throw an arm around her small frame and pulled her to his side, "Nah, the only thing that's mad is the man behind the plan."

"And that man is our boy Xenyk," added Fred as he did the same to Xenyk, despite the boy's protest. It had become a thing between the four of them for Fred to imitate whatever his twin brother was doing, just to Xenyk instead of the young Potter. In all honesty, Fred did it for the reaction. In his defense, it was quite hilarious to watch Xenyk's eyes bulged out of their sockets, with Russian profanities slurring out of his mouth as he pushed away the re-head. "Who knew he was such a prankster?"

Snickering at their friend's misfortune, George cleared his throat, "Ve vuld love te have you az our apprentice, Mr. Morozov."

"My accent is not that terrible," cringed Xenyk, which only made the twins and Ellie laughed harder, "But I'll take the offer. Better than a ministry lapdog."

It was the young Potter's turn to have her eyes bulged out of their sockets. The twins were planning a getaway plan, which could take place at any time. The thought of being left alone without the twins and Xenyk was something the young Potter would rather keep at bay. Over the last semester, she had found herself quite attached to the older boy, seeing as he was the only one who understood her completely. Her godfathers might knew of her condition, but they would never understood the amount of effort she had to put on every day, just so she would not accidentally slow time down, or made it hailing storm inside the castle. The twins did not even know a wink of everything, other than strange things happened around her. It was Xenyk who understood through and through, and it was he who knew exactly what she had to bare, since he bore it too. So the prospect of having her last year with the three of them - even though it was her first year with Xenyk - did not settle well in her mind. Feeling her slowly growing despair, Xenyk offered her a small smile as he told her, "I vill be taking those NEWTs, just to shove it up my bosses' arse."

"I wish I could come with you guys," sighed the young Potter as she leaned her head onto George's shoulder. Lifting her chin up with his hand, he told her, "You could-"

"-but then Georgie and I would be dead meat," finished the older twin as he cupped Xenyk's cheeks with both of his hands, neverminding the other boy swatting his hand from his face. Pushing the older twin with his legs altogether, Xenyk added, "I reckon at least five people vill be after your heads."

"And here comes one of them," said Ellie as she noticed her brother approaching the small huddle that would be them in the corner of the room of requirement. Waving her brother to fasten his steps, she pulled him to the floor once he reached them. "What are we learning today, Professor?"

"Patronus," informed Harry as he cringed at the title his sister had used, "And can you please stop calling me Professor? You're making it weird."

"It vould be rude not to respect our teacher," pointed out Xenyk, which the twins agreed whole heartedly. Turning to the older boy, the bespectacled boy grumbled, "You spend too much time with her," he then turned back to her sister, "And you spend too much time with the them."

"He loves us," mused the older twin, followed by his brother, "Adores us."

Ruffling his sister's hair, Harry stood up and walked to the centre of the room. By then, all the DA member had gathered in the room, eager to start their meeting. The DA had been something that its member was looking forward to, something that kept them going during the school year, when everything - especially those which came in pink and looked like a toad - seemed too dull inside the wall of the magical school. It was ironic, really, for a medieval castle filled with magic to ever become dull, but one supposed it could happen when about a thousand barmy rules hung at the walls of the castle.

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