Chapter 4.1

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He's back. Voldemort's back. And he wants Ellie.

Her brother's words rang in her ears like a record on a loop. Those words were about the last words she heard from him before she was sent to Number 12 of Grimmauld Place, or more like grim old place. The day of third task started was as good as a nerve-wracking day could get. She was dragged out of the hall along with Harry to a secluded room where Harry was supposed to meet his family. They both half prayed that they would have no visitors, no visitors was better than having the Dursley in the place where freaks like them learned it all. But much to their surprise, they were greeted by warm hugs from Mrs. Weasley and Bill Weasley, the oldest Weasley children. They had met Bill earlier during the summer, and Bill had taken a liking in Ellie, just like the rest of the Weasley boys she had met. Throughout the day, Bill hoisted her up on his shoulders like she was an eight year old girl as they took a tour around the castle. Ellie didn't mind, though, and neither did Harry, seeing as Ellie would giggle every now and then from Bill's silly antics. Bill was a tall guy, with his red flaming hair tied in a ponytail. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes that he shared with the twins, but the way he composed himself was so serene that he reminded the Potters of Percy. They then settled in the Great Hall for a small bite with the rest of the castle, the Potters practically being a couple of honorary Weasleys as they sat down on the Gryffindor table with the other Weasley children surrounding them.

By the afternoon, they all went down to the Quidditch pitch for the third and final task. Just before they left the Gryffindor common room, Ellie threw herself onto her brother, and clung to him for dear life. It's okay, Ellie, it'll be over soon, he had told her. Every second of the never ending afternoon was torture for Ellie. She couldn't see a thing that was happening inside the maze, but she felt all the dreadful emotions going around her. Once or twice, she would recognise the emotion belonged to Harry - though she couldn't explain why, and every time she did, she would flinched. George had even put an arm around her to keep her in her seat,  and Fred put an arm on her knee. She had foolishly thought things would be alright, that Dumbledore wouldn't let anyone get maimed.

Of course, she was proven wrong when Harry appeared in front of the maze out of nowhere holding the Triwizard Cup and the dead body of Cedric Diggory. It took all of Xenyk's strength to restrained Ellie and stop her from sprinting to the middle of the crowd. He's back. Voldemort's back. He killed Cedric, I couldn't leave him! Not there! Voldemort- he- And he wants Ellie, Harry cried to Dumbledore, with his arm still over Cedric's body protectively. She couldn't believe her eyes, she had just known the boy during the summer, and before another summer greeted her, he was already gone. He was so sweet and kind, he was the embodiment of a Hufflepuff. He was always smiling and looking charming all over, yet kept his hair slightly messy as if he had just flew on his broom. That night, Ellie collapsed in Xenyk's arms, and that was about the last thing she remembered. All hell seemed to break loose, and Xenyk knew things wouldn't be easy for the Potter's in the coming years.

The next few days went in a blur for Ellie. Harry was too much in a state to even acknowledge her, so the Weasley twins had taken into their hands to protect her at all cost. Much to her surprise, Draco even offered for her to stay at his house throughout the summer, but Ellie had refused, reasoning that Harry would need her more than ever. Truth was, she wasn't sure she wanted to involve herself amongst the Slytherin boys anymore, given that history was set to repeat itself. She held nothing against them, especially of what their family had done, but she wasn't about to test any water.

Ellie and the Weasley twins stuck together like glue after that day until they stepped off of Hogwarts Express and onto King's Cross station. They bid their goodbyes, and told her to owl them or any of their brothers at any time of the day if she needed anything. Little did she know that the Slytherin Quidditch Captain awaited in the distance along with his cousin for Ellie to be picked up by Harry or her relatives. She might want to keep her distance from him, but that didn't stop him from at least making sure she would be alright. When he realised their ex-professor approached the young Potter, he turned around and apparated himself out of the station, given that he was already of age.

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