Chapter 5.3

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"Let's start vith the basics. Vot do you know of apparition? Besides the matter of fact."

Ellie sat cross legged on her friend's bed, her shoes kicked beside his bed, the sleeves of her t-shirt cuffed twice. "There was the three Ds, Blaise mentioned it after he took the class. Destination, Determination, Deliberation" she recalled, remembering how her friends and her brother had gotten the chance to apply for the class the ministry provided, but since she was a year younger than them, she had the pleasure of sitting patiently in the common room and hearing the gruesome story of how a Hufflepuff got splinched. "If you ask me, I think it's Drivel Dotting Dullard ."

Xenyk could not help the low chuckle escaping his lips. He wondered how many versions of the three Ds the young Potter had gone through before settling on Drivel Dotting Dullard. It would not surprise him if she considered it a mere dung and donkey ditty. "It is for drivel dotting dullard. Your ministry vos the one creating it, but at least they got the gist of it. Ve'll do it vith your vand first, then vithout." He paused as he caught sight of how eager she was in learning apparition, despite the ever shying sun outside the window, its place slowly taken by glittering stars across the indigo London sky, "Vill I regret teaching you this particular skill?"

"I solemnly swear that I will not disapparate on my own, leaving no note behind," said Ellie with her left hand raised, palm open, and her right hand over her heart as if she was making an oath, before quickly adding, "Except in life threatening situation."

Eleanor Potter could be put under veritaserum and she would still find a way to sharpen her silver tongue. "I vill regret this, just like I regret teaching you Legilimency."

"I never got into your head! You can't hold it against me if I never actually do it," she reasoned as a matter of fact, which was true. She had tried it numerous of times before she finally gave up and leave his mind to his own. It was not like Xenyk was not aware of it, on the contrary, he was very much au courant with it, impressed even when she nearly get in, but nearly was as far as she had ever gotten, and he did not plan for her to get sucked into the labyrinth that was his mind. "You never actually do it because I do Occlumency."

"Dolt," teased Ellie as she threw a pillow at him, nearly making him fall off the edge of his bed. "Come on, just get on with it."

"I'm keeping tabs on you after ve're through vith this," he grumbled under his breath as he threw the pillow back at her, feeling regret already creeping up on him, crawling up his spine with its dainty legs. Nonetheless, he knew that it would be essential for her to learn the particular skill, especially when the wizard leading the war seemed to have an interest in her, not that he had made it his top priority to snatch her, but when push comes to shove, Xenyk would prefer if Ellie knew how to get up and run. "Right, now you have to know exactly ver you vant to go. Have it in your mind, picture as if you vere already there."

"What if I've never been there?"

"That'll be tricky, but vith practice you'll find it easier to get to a place that you at least now the name of and ver it is located, even if you can't paint a clear picture of it." Sitting up, he put out his hand for the young Potter to take, and he pulled her off of the bed, leading her to the middle of his room. With her hands in his, he told her to close her eyes, clear her mind, let it be a blank canvas for him to paint. "I vant you to imagine your room. The silver candelabra, the vinyl records laying on the floor, your old sneakers hanging on the vall. You have it?"

Ellie nodded with her emerald green eyes still hidden under her eyelids. Xenyk let go of her left hand, and pressed her wand that he had summoned from his bedside table to the palm of her hand. She closed her fingers around it, letting the familiar tingles of magic ran from her the tips of her fingers though the cherry wood and into the dragon heartstring core.
"Good, now, flick your vand, as you imagine yourself appearing in your room."

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